中高生の基礎英語 24/11/8(金)T15-D5 Is it good to have school uniforms学校の制服があるのは良いことですか?
-Dialogue + Quick Summary
今週のダイアログを、 自然な速さで聴きましょう。「ダイアログの要約を聴いて、 キーワードをメモしてみましょう。
Edison thinks a ( ) school uniform would be a good dance costume. He thinks uniforms look ( ). Plus, they can make students feel like part of a ( ), and you don’t ( ) time thinking of what to ( )
Mei thinks that school uniforms keep students from ( ) their ( ). She likes to express herself through her ( ). Also, uniforms can be ( ), and no one likes to be ( ), and n one likes to be ( ).
-Useful Expressions
With uniforms, we don’t waste time thinking of what to wear.
I think I look sharp in my uniform.
Uniforms keep us from expressing our individuality.
No one likes to be uncomfortable.
ready to have some fun /ˈrɛdi tu hæv sʌm fʌn/ 楽しむ準備ができている
can’t wait to chat /kænt weɪt tu ʧæt/ 早くおしゃべりしたい
get this show on the road /ɡɛt ðɪs ʃoʊ ɑn ðə roʊd/ さあ始めよう、行動を開始しよう
summary /ˈsʌməri/ 要約、概要
key words /kiː wɜrdz/ 重要な単語
wild /waɪld/ 独特な、型破りな
sharp /ʃɑrp/ きびきびしている、洗練されている
feel like part of a team /fil laɪk pɑrt əv ə tim/ チームの一員のように感じる
express individuality /ɪkˈsprɛs ˌɪndəˌvɪdʒuˈælɪti/ 個性を表現する
one-on-one training /ˈwʌn ɑn ˈwʌn ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ 1対1のトレーニング
attend /əˈtɛnd/ 出席する
entrance ceremony /ˈɛntrəns ˈsɛrəˌmoʊni/ 入学式
graduation ceremony /ˌgrædʒuˈeɪʃən ˈsɛrəˌmoʊni/ 卒業式
convenient /kənˈvinjənt/ 便利な
match the color /mæʧ ðə ˈkʌlər/ 色を合わせる
feel close /fil kloʊs/ 親密に感じる
creative choice /kriˈeɪtɪv ʧɔɪs/ 創造的な選択
hoodie /ˈhʊdi/ フード付きスウェット
compare /kəmˈpɛr/ 比較する
save money /seɪv ˈmʌni/ お金を節約する
blazer /ˈbleɪzər/ ブレザー
school badge /skul bædʒ/ 校章
fold up /foʊld ʌp/ 折りたたむ
complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ 不満を言う
creative freedom /kriˈeɪtɪv ˈfridəm/ 創造的自由
jealous /ˈdʒɛləs/ 羨ましい
trend /trɛnd/ 流行、トレンド
comfortable /ˈkʌmfərtəbəl/ 快適な
stylish /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ おしゃれな
street fashion /strit ˈfæʃən/ ストリートファッション
best of both worlds /bɛst əv boʊθ wɜrldz/ 両方の良いところを兼ね備えた
school uniform /skul ˈjunəˌfɔrm/ 学校の制服
express yourself /ɪkˈsprɛs jʊrˈsɛlf/ 自分を表現する
feel equal /fil ˈikwəl/ 平等に感じる
allow more freedom /əˈlaʊ mɔr ˈfridəm/ より多くの自由を許す
once a week /wʌns ə wik/ 週に一回
special friend /ˈspɛʃəl frɛnd/ 特別な友達
let’s get this show on the road
= let’s start this activity or event; This expression can be used for any activity.
to put or fold something into a small space
to say that you are unhappy or not satisfied with something
a change toward something new or different
for sure
= certainly
Now, let’s listen to summaries of what Edison and Mei say.
First, you’ll hear a slow version of the summary. Then. you’ll hear a faster version of the same summary.
Try to write down the key words while you listen. Here we go.
Edison thinks a wild school uniform would be a good dance costume. He thinks uniforms look sharp. Plus, they can make students feel like part of a team, and you don’t waste time thinking of what to wear.
Mei thinks that school uniforms keep students from expressing their individuality. She likes to express herself through her clothes. Also, uniforms can be uncomfortable, and no one likes to be uncomfortable.
-One-on-one Training
In this section, I will help Moeno express her thoughts about this week’s topic. Everyone, listen to Moeno’s ideas. They may help you when you say your own thoughts. So, Moeno, please tell us, is it good to have school uniforms?
Yes. I think it is good to have school uniforms. The first reason is that we don’t waste time thinking of what to wear.
That’s a big reason. Good.
And the second reason is that they are convenient or necessary to wear when we attend to entrance ceremony or graduation ceremony.
Okay. Good. You don’t need “to” after “attend.” “When we attend entrance ceremonies or graduation.”
Attend entrance ceremony(→ceremonies).
Yes. Okay. Right. You attend something.
Yep. Good. That’s two reasons.
And the third reason is I can have fun with my uniform.
You can have fun with your uniform?
What do you mean?
We can choose the color of ribbon.
Ah, you have more than one color. How many colors can you choose from?
Five. Oh, that’s pretty good. Not bad. You can choose the color of your ribbon, and that’s fun.
Yes. And we can match the color with my friend.
Ah. You can say, “My friend and I…”
Yes. My friend and I…
One special friend or more than one friend?
One. My friend and I can match the color…
of ribbons.
“Of our…”
Of our ribbons. So, we planned…
Yeah. Good. “We plan….” How do you contact each other?
How do you plan?
We talk in my school before…