中高生の基礎英語 24/12/2(月)T17-1What is your best childhood memory? あなたの子ども時代の一番いい思い出は何ですか?
What is your best childhood memory?
-New Words, New Phrases
around the corner
-Conversation Strategy
今週のダイアログから、会話を続けるために役立つ表現を学びましょう。 今回は「相手にもっと話を聞きたいと伝えるとき」に使える表現です。
1). Go on.
Continue. や Don’t stop. と同じ意味です。
2). I’m listening.
「聞いているよ」と、 相手の話に耳を傾けていることを伝えられる表現です。
3). Then what?
What happened next? と同じ意味で、 「それで?」と相手に話を促すときに使えます。
-One More Phrase
今週のダイアログから、 すぐに使える便利な表現をご紹介します。
I miss …人や場所などに対して、「もう一度、 その人に会いたい、そこに行きたい」と何かを懐かしむときの表現です。
warm up /wɔːrm ʌp/ ウォームアップする、準備運動をする
childhood memory /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd ˈmeməri/ 子供時代の思い出
primary school /ˈpraɪməri skuːl/ 小学校
good memories /ɡʊd ˈmeməriz/ 良い思い出
laugh /læf/ 笑う
way too much /weɪ tuː mʌtʃ/ かなり多すぎる
lipstick /ˈlɪpˌstɪk/ 口紅
eye shadow /aɪ ˈʃædoʊ/ アイシャドウ
creative inspiration /kriˈeɪtɪv ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ 創造的なひらめき
around the corner /əˈraʊnd ðə ˈkɔːrnər/ すぐ近くに、曲がり角を曲がったところに
priceless /ˈpraɪsləs/ 値段がつけられないほど価値のある
close (to someone) /kloʊs/ (人と)親しい
go on /ɡoʊ ɒn/ 続けてください、話を続けてください
I’m listening /aɪm ˈlɪsənɪŋ/ 聞いています
Then what? /ðɛn wʌt/ それでどうなったの?
I miss X /aɪ mɪs eks/ Xが恋しい、Xに会いたい
neighborhood /ˈneɪbərˌhʊd/ 近所、近隣
to change direction and form a curve
relating to things you can see or touch
having a particular value; valuable
to stop doing something for a short time
♪Topic 17, Day 1.
Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic, which is:
What is your best childhood memory?
Hmm. Childhood memory. When is the end of childhood? There are many different opinions about when childhood ends, but for this week, let’s say that childhood ends when you finish primary school.
So, from age zero until around 12 or 13 years old.
Right. Moeno, do you have good memories of your childhood?
Oh. You’re still young, so your childhood wasn’t too long ago.
How about you, Hannah? Do you have good memories of your childhood?
Oh, yes. So many.
My childhood was many years ago, but I still have a lot of clear good memories of being a child.
I’m sure that our listeners, both younger and older, have some good memories of childhood, too.
Yes. So, this week, we’re asking the question: What is your best childhood memory? Now, let’s move on to this week’s dialogue.
Mei is doing homework in a study lounge. Yugo is doing homework there, too.
Suddenly, Mei starts laughing.
Moeno, what were you able to catch?
Yui was Mei’s best friend.
And “lipstick” and “eye shadow.” And Yugo has a beautiful memory.
Yeah, yeah.
Yes. Mei says, “We put on way too much lipstick and eye shadow and everything.”
Yeah. “Way too much” means that something is much more than necessary or expected.
Yes. And “lipstick,” as you caught, is a type of makeup you use to add color to your lips. So, “way too much lipstick” means “much more lipstick than needed.”
Yes. Okay. We’ll find out more about the things Mei and Yugo say on Day 2 and Day 3.
-New Words, New Phrases
Today’s first phrase is: around the corner.
The expression “around the corner” means “very close by,” “not far away.” It’s usually within walking distance.
In the dialogue, Mei tells Yugo about Yui, her best friend when she was little.
Mei says, “She lived around the corner from me.”
Right. She means that Yui lived nearby, probably just a short walk away.
Yeah. “The corner” would be the place where your street turns or bends.
If you want to show that the distance is really close, you can say “just around the corner.”
Yes. You can use this expression, even if there isn’t really a corner. Our second new phrase today is: priceless. “Priceless” means that something is so valuable or so important that you cannot buy it, you can’t give it a price.
And it doesn’t need to be a physical thing. A wonderful memory can be priceless.
Yes. In the dialogue, when Mei t