中高生の基礎英語 24/12/2(月)T17-1 way too much

中高生の基礎英語 24/12/2(月)T17-1 way too much
The phrase “way too much” is an informal expression that means “far more than necessary” or “excessive.” It emphasizes that something exceeds an acceptable or expected amount or level.
「way too much 「というフレーズは、」必要以上に 「とか 」過剰に “という意味のインフォーマルな表現である。何かが許容範囲や期待される量やレベルを超えていることを強調する。

“He put way too much sugar in his coffee.”
(He added far more sugar than needed.)

“The bag is way too much for me to carry.”
(The bag is excessively heavy or large for me to handle.)

This phrase is commonly used in casual conversation to stress that something is much more than it should be.

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