中高生の基礎英語 24/12/5(木)T17-4What is your best childhood memory? あなたの子ども時代の一番いい思い出は何ですか?

中高生の基礎英語 24/12/5(木)T17-4What is your best childhood memory? あなたの子ども時代の一番いい思い出は何ですか?
Topic 17 What is your best childhood memory?
あなたの子ども時代の一番いい思い出は何ですか? Day 4

childhood memory ˈʧaɪldhʊd ˈmɛməri 子供時代の思い出
welcome ˈwɛlkəm 歓迎する
guest ɡɛst ゲスト、訪問者
Uzbekistan juːzˈbɛkɪstæn ウズベキスタン
full-time employee fʊl-taɪm ɛmˈplɔɪiː 常勤の従業員
energy company ˈɛnərʤi ˈkʌmpəni エネルギー会社
free time friː taɪm 自由時間
Central Asia ˈsɛntrəl ˈeɪʒə 中央アジア
Registan Square ˈrɛɡɪstæn skwɛr レギスタン広場
turquoise ˈtɜːrkwɔɪz トルコ石の色、青緑色
bazaar bəˈzɑːr バザール、市場
empty stomach ˈɛmpti ˈstʌmək 空腹
Samarkand bread ˈsæmərˌkænd brɛd サマルカンドのパン
loaf loʊf (パンの)一塊
manti ˈmɑːntiː マンティ(ウズベキスタンの蒸し餃子)
cumin ˈkjuːmɪn クミン(香辛料)
spices ˈspaɪsɪz 香辛料
instantly ˈɪnstəntli 即座に
milk porridge mɪlk ˈpɒrɪʤ ミルク粥
natural alarm clock ˈnæʧərəl əˈlɑːrm klɒk 自然の目覚まし時計
climbing trees ˈklaɪmɪŋ triːz 木登り
unforgettable ˌʌnfərˈɡɛtəbl 忘れられない
Christmas tree ˈkrɪsməs triː クリスマスツリー
casseroles ˈkæsəroʊlz キャセロール(焼き料理)
sausage balls ˈsɒsɪʤ bɔːlz ソーセージボール
breadcrumbs ˈbrɛdkrʌmz パン粉
gratin ɡræˈtæn グラタン
treats triːts おやつ、軽食

a kind of stone with a bright blue-green color
a place where milk, cheese, or milk products are produced
= close to, just about, around but not exactly
a loaf of
one piece of bread that can be cut into slices
flour mixed with water, sugar, etc. for baking bread
the food that you put inside a pie, sandwich, dumpling, etc.
very small pieces of bread that are used in cooking, especially for cooking fried foods

-Chat with the Guest♪
Topic 17: What is your best childhood memory? Day 4.
All right, then. Let’s welcome our guest for the next two months.
Hello, everyone. I’m Umida Halilova. Please call me Umi.
Umi. Welcome, Umi.
Nice name.
Yeah. Please tell us a little about yourself.
I come from Uzbekistan. I have been living in Japan for the past 10 years. Currently, I am a full-time employee in (an) energy company. In my free time, I like painting, playing ukulele, or doing sports. It just really depends on the weather and (my) mood.
Umi, where is Uzbekistan?
That’s a good question. It is located in Central Asia, and it is right in the middle of all (the) different “stan” countries, like Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan. And Uzbekistan is right in the center of those countries.
So, what does “stan” mean?
“Stan” means “land.” For instance, if it’s Uzbekistan, then it means “land of Uzbek people.”
Wow. Can you tell us, what are some good places to visit in Uzbekistan?
Since I come from Samarkand, I would definitely suggest visiting Registan Square, which has lots of blue domes (in a) turquoise color, which is very famous.The buildings?
Yes. But my favorite one is local bazaar.
Oh, a local bazaar.
Yes. It’s like a supermarket but in a very old-fashioned way. If you go to a bazaar on (an) empty stomach, you will definitely come out with your stomach full because they have everything there, starting from dairy products, sweets, fruits, vegetables. And if it’s summer, melon, watermelon. And you can try them all for free before you buy.
Oh, wow.
Yes. And not only food, we have shoes, clothes, bags. So, basically, anything you need, you can find in the bazaar.
So, you have to go to (a) Samarkand bazaar.
In Uzbekistan.
Yes.It sounds interesting.Yes. What local foods would you recommend?
My number one recommendation would be trying Samarkand bread.
Samarkand bread.
What is the bread like?
It’s round and big. Approximately 30 centimeters.
Oh, that is big.
And it’s very heavy, like, two kilograms, just one bread alone.
So, do you buy a big loaf of bread and eat it by yourself or…?
Usually we like eating bread with family.
Oh, okay.
Because families are usually big in Uzbekistan.
So, the whole family will share this big, two-kilogram loaf.
Yes. And it will last only one, two days.
Oh, wow!

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