中高生の基礎英語 24/12/9(月)T18-1What do you do to relax?リラックスするために何をしますか?
Topic 18
What do you do to relax? リラックスするために何をしますか?
Day 1
What do you do to relax?
-New Words, New Phrases
I’m stoked!
kick back
-Conversation Strategy
1). Same here.
I feel the same way.
I’ve experienced the same thing.
と同じ意味で、 相手と同じように感じた場合や同様の経験をしたことがある場合に使えます。
2). I get it.
I understand. I see what you mean. と同じ意味で、 相手に 「わかるよ」と共感したい場合に使えます。
-One More Phrase
I can’t wait!
I can’t wait for… や
| can’t wait to… を使えば、楽しみにしていることを具体的に伝えられます。
例) I can’t wait for winter vacation/I can’t wait to go skiing.
relax rɪˈlæks リラックスする
high school ˈhaɪ skuːl 高校
every day ˈɛvri deɪ 毎日
keep busy kiːp ˈbɪzi 忙しくさせる
prepare for prɪˈpeə fɔː ~の準備をする
review rɪˈvjuː 復習する
stressful ˈstrɛsfʊl ストレスが多い
enjoy doing ɪnˈʤɔɪ ˈduːɪŋ ~するのを楽しむ
take care of teɪk keə ʌv ~の世話をする
just around the corner ʤʌst əˈraʊnd ðə ˈkɔːnə すぐ近く
winter vacation ˈwɪntə vəˈkeɪʃən 冬休み
comic book ˈkɒmɪk bʊk 漫画
stoked stəʊkt ワクワクしている
kick back kɪk bæk リラックスする
chill ʧɪl のんびりする
concentration ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃən 集中
forget about fəˈgɛt əˈbaʊt ~を忘れる
I get it aɪ ˈgɛt ɪt わかる、理解する
same here seɪm hɪə 同じく、私も同じ
I can’t wait aɪ kɑːnt weɪt 待ちきれない、楽しみ
move on muːv ɒn 次に進む
pay attention to peɪ əˈtɛnʃən tuː ~に注意を払う
one more wʌn mɔː もう一つ
totally ˈtəʊtəli 完全に
a word that is often shouted when you are very happy
to study again or consider something you have already learned
lie back
to put your body in a comfortable position or to do nothing except relax
stretch out
to lie down in order to relax or sleep
have time off
to have a break from school or work
the truth is
to be honest with you
Moeno, what were you able to catch?
They say winter vacation is soon. (Yeah.) And Jake is going to draw all through the break.
He’s going to draw all through (/0ru:/) the break. Right. Good.
And Mei has her dog, and she loves her dog.
Yes. That’s very good.
When Jake mentions winter vacation, Mei says, “It’s just around the corner.”
Right. In last week’s dialogue, Mei said that when she was a child, her best friend Yui lived around the corner.
“Around the corner” means “very close by,” “not far away.”
Yes. And you can use “around the corner” not only for places but also for times or events that are close by.
If winter vacation is just around the corner, it means that the vacation is coming soon.
Right. Okay. We’ll find out more about the things Mei and Jake say on Day 2 and Day 3.
-New Words, New Phrases
Today’s first phrase is: I’m stoked!
“I’m stoked!” means “I’m very happy!” or “I’m very excited!”
Right. In the dialogue, when Jake tells Mei about his new comic book project, he says, “I’m stoked!”
Yeah. He means, “I’m really excited about it.”
This is a casual expression that you can use with your friends, but you shouldn’t use it with your teachers.
Right. Our second new phrase today is: kick back.
Moeno, when you hear the expression “kick back,” what do you imagine?
I imagine stretching legs, so “relax”?
Yes. You have the right image. That’s great. “To kick back” means “to relax or take it easy.” You can imagine someone lying back and stretching out to get comfortable.
In the dialogue, Mei says that she’s not planning to work at all during the vacation. She says, “I’m going to kick back and chill.”