中高生の基礎英語 25/1/10(金)T19-5 おせち料理-1

中高生の基礎英語 25/1/10(金)T19-5 おせち料理-1
Osechi Ryori (おせち料理)

Osechi Ryori is a traditional Japanese cuisine prepared and eaten during the New Year to celebrate and welcome the coming year. Each dish within the Osechi box carries symbolic meanings, representing wishes for good health, prosperity, and happiness. The dishes are beautifully arranged in tiered lacquered boxes called jubako and are designed to be both visually appealing and meaningful.

Key Features of Osechi Ryori
Symbolism: Each dish has a specific meaning:

Kuromame (Black Soybeans): Represents good health and diligence.
Kazunoko (Herring Roe): Symbolizes fertility and prosperity.
Tazukuri (Candied Sardines): Represents a good harvest.
Datemaki (Rolled Sweet Omelette): Associated with learning and knowledge.
Ebi (Shrimp): Symbolizes long life and aging gracefully (curved like an old person’s back).
Kurikinton (Sweet Chestnuts with Mashed Sweet Potatoes): Represents wealth and financial success.
黒豆: 無病息災、勤勉を表す。
かずのこ(ニシンの卵): 豊穣と繁栄の象徴。
田作り(イワシの砂糖漬け): 豊作を表す。
伊達巻き: 学問と知識の象徴。
海老: 長寿の象徴。
栗きんとん(甘栗とマッシュポテト): 富と経済的成功を表す。

Traditionally, Osechi is prepared before New Year’s Day to allow people to rest during the holiday. The dishes are designed to last several days without refrigeration.

The food is arranged in multi-layered boxes, each layer holding a different variety of dishes. The design is meant to convey joy and abundance for the new year.
Cultural Significance:

Osechi originated in the Heian period (794–1185) as part of the seasonal festival traditions. Over time, it became closely associated with New Year celebrations in Japan.
Modern Variations
While traditional Osechi focuses on classic dishes, modern variations may include Western-style or Chinese-inspired items to cater to contemporary tastes. Many families now purchase pre-made Osechi boxes from stores or restaurants instead of preparing them at home.

Osechi Ryori is more than just a meal; it’s a cultural tradition that brings families together to reflect on the past year and express hopes for the year ahead. It embodies the essence of Japanese aesthetics, seasonal appreciation, and the importance of togetherness.

traditional /trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ 伝統的な
japanese /ˌdʒæp.əˈniːz/ 日本の
cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ 料理
prepared /prɪˈperd/ 準備された
eaten /ˈiː.tən/ 食べられる
new year /nuː jɪr/ 新年
celebrate /ˈsel.ə.breɪt/ 祝う
welcome /ˈwel.kəm/ 歓迎する
coming year /ˈkʌm.ɪŋ jɪr/ 来る年
each dish /iːtʃ dɪʃ/ 各料理
within /wɪˈðɪn/ ~の中に
box /bɑːks/ 箱
symbolic meanings /sɪmˈbɑː.lɪk ˈmiː.nɪŋz/ 象徴的な意味
representing /ˌrep.rɪˈzent.ɪŋ/ 表している
wishes /ˈwɪʃ.ɪz/ 願い
good health /ɡʊd helθ/ 健康
prosperity /prɑːˈsper.ə.t̬i/ 繁栄
happiness /ˈhæp.i.nəs/ 幸福
beautifully /ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl.i/ 美しく
arranged /əˈreɪndʒd/ 配置された
tiered /tɪrd/ 層になった
lacquered boxes /ˈlæk.ərd ˈbɑːk.sɪz/ 漆塗りの箱
jubako /ˈdʒuː.bɑː.koʊ/ 重箱
designed /dɪˈzaɪnd/ 設計された
visually appealing /ˈvɪʒ.u.ə.li əˈpiː.lɪŋ/ 視覚的に魅力的な
meaningful /ˈmiː.nɪŋ.fəl/ 意味深い

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