Editorial: Japan gov’t must legalize same-sex marriage after yet another high court ruling 社説 日本政府は同性婚の合法化を 高裁判決を受けて

Editorial: Japan gov’t must legalize same-sex marriage after yet another high court ruling
社説 日本政府は同性婚の合法化を 高裁判決を受けて
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Last month, the Tokyo High Court ruled that Japanese law, which does not recognize same-sex marriage, is unconstitutional. This was the second ruling of its kind from an appellate court, following a similar verdict from the Sapporo High Court in March this year.
Plaintiffs and their attorneys speak at a press conference in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward after the Tokyo High Court ruled that current Japanese law disallowing same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, on Oct. 30, 2024. (Mainichi/Kazumi Kitamura)

editorial /ˌɛd.ɪˈtɔːr.i.əl/ 社説
Japan gov’t /dʒəˈpæn ˈɡʌvərnmənt/ 日本政府
legalize /ˈliːɡəlaɪz/ 合法化する
same-sex marriage /seɪm sɛks ˈmærɪdʒ/ 同性婚
high court /haɪ ˈkɔːrt/ 高等裁判所
ruling /ˈruːlɪŋ/ 判決
unconstitutional /ˌʌnˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənəl/ 違憲の
appellate court /əˈpɛlɪt ˈkɔːrt/ 控訴裁判所
verdict /ˈvɜːrdɪkt/ 判決、評決
Sapporo High Court /səˈpɔːroʊ haɪ ˈkɔːrt/ 札幌高等裁判所
plaintiffs /ˈpleɪntɪfs/ 原告
attorneys /əˈtɜːrniz/ 弁護士
press conference /prɛs ˈkɒn.fər.əns/ 記者会見
Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward /ˈtoʊki.oʊz ˌtʃiːˈjoʊdə wɔːrd/ 東京の千代田区
disallowing /ˌdɪsəˈlaʊɪŋ/ 禁止する
current Japanese law /ˈkʌrənt dʒəˈpæniz ˈlɔː/ 現行の日本法



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