The phrase “burn out” refers to a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged stress or overwork. It’s often used to describe a situation where someone has been pushing themselves too hard, typically in work or other demanding activities, to the point where they feel completely drained and unable to continue with the same energy or motivation.
How “Burn Out” is Used
To Describe Exhaustion 疲労困憊を表す
Example: “After working 70-hour weeks, she burned out and had to take time off.”
Meaning: She became exhausted and needed a break.
To Talk About Losing Passion 情熱を失うことについて話す
Example: “He loved teaching, but after so many years, he’s started to feel burned out.”
Meaning: He’s losing his enthusiasm and motivation for teaching.
As a Warning 警告として
Example: “You should take a break before you burn out.”
Meaning: Suggesting someone should rest to avoid extreme fatigue.
Usage Notes 使用上の注意、形容詞
Burned Out (adjective): Describes the feeling of being exhausted and lacking motivation.
Example: “She’s feeling burned out.”
To Burn Out (verb): The process of becoming exhausted. 燃え尽きる(動詞): 疲れ果てていく過程。
Example: “He’s worried he’ll burn out if he doesn’t slow down.”
It’s a common term for work-life balance discussions and the need for self-care to avoid reaching a point of burnout.
burn out /bɜrn aʊt/ 燃え尽きる、過労やストレスによる疲弊
exhaustion /ɪɡˈzɔːstʃən/ 消耗、極度の疲労
prolonged /prəˈlɔŋd/ 長引く、長期間の
stress /strɛs/ ストレス
overwork /ˈoʊvərˌwɜrk/ 過労
pushing themselves /pʊʃɪŋ ðəmˈsɛlvz/ 無理をする、頑張り過ぎる
drained /dreɪnd/ 疲れ果てた、力が抜けた
energy /ˈɛnərdʒi/ エネルギー
motivation /ˌmoʊtəˈveɪʃən/ 動機、やる気
losing passion /ˈluːzɪŋ ˈpæʃən/ 情熱を失う
enthusiasm /ɪnˈθuːziˌæzəm/ 熱意、情熱
lacking motivation /ˈlækɪŋ ˌmoʊtəˈveɪʃən/ やる気がない
extreme fatigue /ɪkˈstriːm fəˈtiːɡ/ 極度の疲労
burned out (adj.) /bɜrnd aʊt/ 疲れ果てた(形容詞)
to burn out (verb) /bɜrn aʊt/ 疲弊する、燃え尽きる(動詞)
work-life balance /wɜrk laɪf ˈbæləns/ 仕事と生活のバランス
self-care /sɛlf kɛr/ セルフケア、自分の健康や幸福を大切にすること
avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ 避ける
point of burnout /pɔɪnt əv ˈbɜrn aʊt/ 燃え尽きのポイント、限界点