英会話 feel English 24/10/17(木)L81 That will be..

英会話 feel English 24/10/17(木)L81 That will be…
That’s… 発展形の使い方を学ぼう。That will be…
-Feel English! 1
会計で「いくらです」 と客に伝える That will be …
I’m happy to
Dialogue 1
Thelma and Shawn, both had chicken sandwich for lunch. Now, they’re looking to throw away the wrapping.

(At lunchtime, Thelma and Sean are about to throw a chicken sandwich wrapper in the trash.)

I bet -.
buck ドル(俗語)
chicken 臆病者
, eh?
You’re on. よし(受けて立つ)(◇賭かけ[競争]を持ちかけられて)

No way!
That will be ten dollars, please.

That will be 10 dollars, please.

One cheeseburger and a large fry, please.
Okay. That’ll be seven ninety-five.

-Feel English!2
「きっと〜に違いない」と確信を持って言う That will be …
Dialogue -2
Paul invited Olivia over for dinner. But nothing has been prepared, which confuses Olivia.
(Paul invited Olivia to dinner. But Olivia was perplexed that nothing had been prepared…)

be interested
get excited
blow away
That music is so fine it just blows me away each time I hear it. : その音楽は大変素晴らしいので、聞くたびにつくづく感心させられる。

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