英会話 feel English 24/10/23(水) L83 I thought you might -.

英会話 feel English 24/10/23(水) L83 I thought you might -.
-Feel English! 1
相手のために何かしてあげたいときの I thought you might…
Dialogue 1
Paul finds Olivia at a cafe and joins her at her table.
カフェで、オリビアの姿を見つけたポールが、 彼女のテーブルに加わります。
(At the café, Paul spots Olivia and joins her at her table.)

Why do you ask?
No way.
Come along.

Are you free this weekend?
Yes. Why do you ask?
I thought you might like to come to our set.

I thought you might like to come to our set.

この表現は、 相手の状況や好みを踏まえて何かを提案したり、用意したりするときに使われます。ポールは、オリビアが映画製作に興味があることを知っていて、彼女を撮影のセットに招待することを思いついたのです。(This expression is used to suggest or prepare something based on someone’s situation or preferences. Paul knew that Olivia was interested in filmmaking and came up with the idea of inviting her to the set of the shoot.)

Ta-da! I made a special yakiniku dinner for Thelma, who worked hard all day recording.
美味しそう、 Look at this amazing food!
I thought you might be hungry, so I cooked dinner.

-Feel English!2
「やっぱりね」 と自分の読みが当たっていたときの I thought you might.
Dialogue 2
Emily is set to go home with her mother. Emily calls Thelma to give her an update.
(Emily will be driving home with her mother early the next morning. Emily will give Thelma an online update on what’s going on.)

fought, fight
fought a lot
learned a lot
feel closer to –

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