英会話 feel English 24/11/21(木) It’s no big deal.
Phrase: It’s No Big Deal
The phrase “It’s no big deal” is used to indicate that something is not important, serious, or troublesome. It’s a way of downplaying a situation, often to reassure someone or express humility.
It’s no big deal “というフレーズは、何かが重要でないこと、深刻でないこと、面倒でないことを示すために使われる。誰かを安心させたり、謙虚さを表現するために使われることが多い。
Context of Use
This phrase is casual and commonly used in everyday conversations to:
Reassure someone: If they feel bad about a mistake or a favor you’ve done for them.
Downplay your own effort or contribution: To appear humble.
Examples in Sentences
Reassuring Someone:
“I’m sorry I forgot to call you back.”
“It’s no big deal. I understand you’re busy.”
Downplaying Effort:
“Thanks for helping me move all those boxes!”
“It’s no big deal. Happy to help!”
Dismissing a Concern:
“Is it okay if I’m five minutes late?”
“Sure, it’s no big deal.”
Related Expressions
No worries: A similar phrase to reassure someone.
“Thanks for your patience!”
“No worries!”
Don’t sweat it: A casual way to say there’s no need to worry.
“Sorry I spilled coffee on your table!”
“Don’t sweat it; it’s just a tablecloth.”
It’s nothing: Downplays the significance even further.
“Thank you for the gift!”
“It’s nothing, really.”
This phrase is informal, friendly, and often used to comfort someone or express modesty.
It’s no big deal /ɪts noʊ bɪɡ diːl/ 大したことではない、問題ない
reassure /ˌriːəˈʃʊr/ 安心させる、元気づける
humble /ˈhʌmbl/ 謙虚な、控えめな
downplay /ˌdaʊnˈpleɪ/ 軽視する、大げさにしない
concern /kənˈsɜːrn/ 心配、懸念
No worries /noʊ ˈwɜːriz/ 心配いらない、大丈夫
Don’t sweat it /doʊnt swɛt ɪt/ 心配しないで、気にしないで
It’s nothing /ɪts ˈnʌθɪŋ/ 何でもないよ、大したことないよ
favor /ˈfeɪvər/ 親切な行為、手助け
effort /ˈɛfərt/ 努力、労力
dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ 退ける、軽く扱う
casual /ˈkæʒuəl/ 気軽な、カジュアルな
patience /ˈpeɪʃəns/ 忍耐、辛抱