英会話 feel English 24/12/11(水) L101 色を使ったフレーズ

英会話 feel English 24/12/11(水) L101 色を使ったフレーズ
red-eye, green thumb

1. Red-eye
Meaning: Refers to a late-night or overnight flight, usually departing late in the evening and arriving early the next morning. It can also metaphorically describe tired or bloodshot eyes, often caused by lack of sleep.

Example Sentences:

I took the red-eye from Los Angeles to New York so I could save time and attend the morning meeting.
After working on the project all night, she showed up with red eyes from exhaustion.
2. Green thumb
Meaning: Refers to someone’s natural talent or skill for gardening and growing plants successfully.

Example Sentences:

My grandmother has a green thumb; her garden is always full of beautiful flowers and fresh vegetables.
Even though I try hard, I just don’t have a green thumb—every plant I buy dies within weeks!

1. Blue-collar
Meaning: Refers to workers who perform manual labor, often in industries like construction, manufacturing, or maintenance. It contrasts with “white-collar,” which refers to office or professional workers.

Example Sentences:

My father worked as a blue-collar worker in a factory for 30 years.
The town’s economy is supported by its blue-collar workforce.
2. White lie
Meaning: A small or harmless lie told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or to make a situation easier.

Example Sentences:

I told a white lie and said I liked her cooking, even though it was a bit too salty.
Sometimes a white lie is better than telling the harsh truth.
3. Black sheep
Meaning: Refers to a person who is considered the odd one out or a disgrace in a group, often in a family.

Example Sentences:

He’s the black sheep of the family because he chose a completely different career path.
Every group has a black sheep who doesn’t follow the rules.
4. Yellow-bellied
Meaning: A slang term meaning cowardly or lacking courage.

Example Sentences:

Don’t be yellow-bellied; stand up for yourself!
The hero called out the villain for being yellow-bellied and refusing to fight.
5. Green with envy
Meaning: Describes someone who is very jealous or envious.

Example Sentences:

When I saw her new car, I was green with envy.
He’s green with envy because his coworker got the promotion he wanted.
6. Tickled pink
Meaning: Extremely pleased or delighted.

Example Sentences:

She was tickled pink when she received the surprise gift from her friends.
I’m tickled pink to hear that you passed your exam!
7. Out of the blue
Meaning: Something that happens unexpectedly or without warning.

Example Sentences:

He called me out of the blue after not speaking for years.
The announcement came out of the blue and surprised everyone.
8. In the red
Meaning: Refers to being in debt or having financial losses (opposite of “in the black”).

Example Sentences:

The company has been in the red for two consecutive years.
After overspending during the holidays, I found myself in the red.
9. Golden opportunity
Meaning: A perfect or highly advantageous chance to do something.

Example Sentences:

Getting that scholarship was a golden opportunity to study abroad.
This is your golden opportunity to impress the boss—don’t waste it.
10. Gray area
Meaning: A situation or topic that is not clearly defined or lacks clear rules.

Example Sentences:

The new policy has created a gray area regarding employee responsibilities.
Ethics often have gray areas where it’s hard to decide what’s right or wrong.

red-eye /ˈrɛd.aɪ/ 夜行便、または睡眠不足で血走った目
green thumb /ɡriːn θʌm/ 園芸の才能、植物を育てる才能
blue-collar /bluː ˈkɒlər/ 肉体労働者、工場や建設などで働く労働者
white lie /waɪt laɪ/ 無害な嘘、小さな嘘
black sheep /blæk ʃiːp/ (集団や家族で)厄介者、問題児
yellow-bellied /ˈjɛloʊ ˈbɛlid/ 臆病な、弱虫な
green with envy /ɡriːn wɪð ˈɛnvi/ 嫉妬でたまらない
tickled pink /ˈtɪkld pɪŋk/ 大喜びしている、非常に満足している
out of the blue /aʊt əv ðə bluː/ 突然、不意に
in the red /ɪn ðə rɛd/ 赤字で、負債を抱えて
golden opportunity /ˈɡoʊldən ˌɒpərˈtuːnɪti/ 絶好の機会、またとないチャンス
gray area /ɡreɪ ˈɛəriə/ グレーゾーン、不明確な領域

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