英会話 feel English 24/12/3(火) the big man 大物 (昇進したため)

英会話 feel English 24/12/3(火) the big man 大物 (昇進したため)

The phrase “the big man” can have several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are the most common interpretations:

1. A physically large or tall man
It is often used to describe someone who is physically imposing or larger than average.
Example: “The big man walked into the room, and everyone turned to look.”
2. A person in authority or of high status
It can refer to someone in a leadership role, often as a sign of respect or admiration.
Example: “The big man made the final decision for the project.”
3. A term of endearment or nickname
Sometimes used affectionately, especially for a child or a close friend, regardless of size.
Example: “How’s my big man doing today?” (Talking to a little boy.)
4. Colloquial reference to an important figure
It might refer to a prominent individual, like a boss, a leader, or even a mythical or fictional figure.
Example: “Everyone’s excited to meet the big man himself, Santa Claus!”
5. Figurative or sarcastic use
It could also be used ironically to refer to someone who acts important but may not actually be.
Example: “Oh, look at the big man, acting like he owns the place.”
The meaning depends heavily on tone and context. If you have a specific sentence, I can help clarify its use!

the big man ðə bɪɡ mæn 「大男」や「重要人物」、文脈による多義的な表現
physically large ˈfɪzɪkli lɑːrdʒ 身体的に大きい
imposing ɪmˈpoʊzɪŋ 威圧的な、堂々とした
authority əˈθɔːrɪti 権威、権力
high status haɪ ˈsteɪtəs 高い地位
term of endearment tɜːrm əv ɪnˈdɪr.mənt 愛情表現の言葉
nickname ˈnɪkˌneɪm ニックネーム、あだ名
prominent ˈprɑː.mɪ.nənt 著名な、重要な
mythical ˈmɪθɪkəl 神話上の、架空の
sarcastic sɑːrˈkæstɪk 皮肉な
tone toʊn 口調、トーン
context ˈkɒn.tekst 文脈、状況
endearment ɪnˈdɪr.mənt 愛情表現
leadership role ˈliː.dərˌʃɪp roʊl 指導的な役割
acts important ækts ɪmˈpɔːrtənt 重要そうに振る舞う
sarcastic use sɑːrˈkæstɪk juːs 皮肉な使い方
英語表現「the big man」は、文脈によってさまざまな意味を持つ柔軟なフレーズです。それぞれの使用例に応じて適切に解釈する必要があります。

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