英会話 feel English 24/12/3(火) ugly sweaters クリスマス用のベタなデザインのセーター
The phrase “ugly sweaters” typically refers to:
1. Tacky or overly festive sweaters
These are sweaters with bold, often mismatched patterns or designs that are considered unattractive, gaudy, or overly festive. They are particularly associated with holiday themes like Christmas.
Example: “She wore an ugly sweater with reindeer and blinking lights.”
2. Humorous or nostalgic fashion
Wearing ugly sweaters has become a fun and ironic tradition, especially during the holiday season. People often wear them for laughs or as part of themed parties, such as an “ugly sweater party.”
3. A lighthearted trend
The concept of ugly sweaters has evolved into a playful celebration. Many people intentionally seek out or create the ugliest sweaters they can find, often competing for the most ridiculous designs.
Example in Context:
“Don’t forget to bring your ugliest sweater to the Christmas party—we’re having a contest!”
“I found the perfect ugly sweater with a giant snowman on it.”
Ugly sweaters are often appreciated for their charm and humor rather than their style!
ugly sweaters ˈʌɡ.li ˈswet.ərz 醜いセーター、派手でダサいセーター
tacky ˈtæk.i 派手で趣味が悪い、けばけばしい
overly festive ˈoʊ.vər.li ˈfes.tɪv 過度にお祭り気分の
mismatched patterns ˌmɪsˈmætʃt ˈpætərnz 合わないパターン
gaudy ˈɡɔː.di 派手すぎる、けばけばしい
reindeer ˈreɪn.dɪr トナカイ
blinking lights ˈblɪŋ.kɪŋ ˈlaɪts 点滅するライト
humorous ˈhjuː.mə.rəs ユーモアのある
nostalgic fashion nɒˈstæl.dʒɪk ˈfæʃ.ən 懐かしいファッション
ironic tradition aɪˈrɒn.ɪk trəˈdɪʃ.ən 皮肉的な伝統
themed parties θiːmd ˈpɑːr.tiz テーマパーティ
lighthearted trend ˈlaɪtˌhɑːr.tɪd ˈtrend 気軽な流行
playful celebration ˈpleɪ.fəl ˌsel.ɪˈbreɪ.ʃən 楽しいお祝い
giant snowman ˈdʒaɪ.ənt ˈsnoʊ.mæn 巨大な雪だるま
charm tʃɑːrm 魅力
humor ˈhjuː.mər ユーモア
「ugly sweaters(醜いセーター)」は、特にクリスマスなどのホリデーシーズンに関連した派手でダサいデザインのセーターを指します。それらはユーモアと懐かしさを楽しむための文化的トレンドとして人気があります。