英会話 feel English 24/12/3(火) Friendsmas 家族でなく友達と過ごすクリスマス

英会話 feel English 24/12/3(火) Friendsmas 家族でなく友達と過ごすクリスマス

The word “Friendsmas” is a blend of “friends” and “Christmas” and refers to a celebration of Christmas or holiday traditions with friends instead of (or in addition to) family. It’s often informal and fun, highlighting the close bonds of friendship during the festive season.

Key Features of Friendsmas:
Friendsmas is typically celebrated in December, either before or after the official Christmas Day, to avoid conflicting with family gatherings.

Common activities include gift exchanges (like Secret Santa), holiday-themed games, shared meals, or simply spending quality time together.

It’s a way to include friends in the festive cheer, especially for those who may not have family nearby or prefer celebrating with their chosen family.
Casual Atmosphere:

Unlike traditional Christmas gatherings, Friendsmas tends to be more relaxed and flexible, tailored to the group of friends celebrating.
Example in a Sentence:
“We’re hosting a Friendsmas this year—bring a dish to share and wear your best ugly sweater!”
“Since I can’t go home for Christmas, I’m excited to spend Friendsmas with my roommates.”
Friendsmas celebrates the joy of friendship during the holidays!

Friendsmas ˈfrɛndz.məs フレンズマス(友達とのクリスマスの祝宴)
blend blɛnd 混合、融合
holiday traditions ˈhɒl.ɪ.deɪ trəˈdɪʃ.ənz 休日の伝統
festive season ˈfɛs.tɪv ˈsiː.zən 祝祭シーズン
timing ˈtaɪ.mɪŋ タイミング、時期
before or after bɪˈfɔːr ɔːr ˈæf.tər 前または後
family gatherings ˈfæm.ɪ.li ˈɡæð.ər.ɪŋz 家族の集まり
activities ækˈtɪv.ɪ.tiz 活動
gift exchanges ˈɡɪft ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒɪz ギフト交換
Secret Santa ˈsiː.krət ˈsæn.tə シークレットサンタ(匿名のギフト交換)
holiday-themed games ˈhɒl.ɪ.deɪ-θiːmd ˈɡeɪmz ホリデーをテーマにしたゲーム
shared meals ˈʃeərd ˈmiːlz 共に楽しむ食事
quality time ˈkwɒl.ɪ.ti taɪm 質の高い時間、充実した時間
inclusive ɪnˈkluː.sɪv 包括的な、誰もが参加できる
chosen family ˈtʃəʊ.zən ˈfæm.ɪ.li 選ばれた家族(血縁ではなく親しい友人)
casual atmosphere ˈkæʒ.u.əl ˈætməsˌfɪər カジュアルな雰囲気
relaxed and flexible rɪˈlækst ənd ˈfleks.ɪ.bl リラックスした柔軟な
hosting ˈhoʊst.ɪŋ 主催すること
bring a dish brɪŋ ə dɪʃ 料理を一品持参する
ugly sweater ˈʌɡ.li ˈswet.ər ダサいセーター
roommates ˈruːm.meɪts ルームメイト、同居人

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