英会話 feel English 24/5/14(火) L16 You have -.

英会話 feel English 24/5/14(火) L16 You have -.
have は超便利な万能動詞。後ろに来る名詞で have のキモチをマスター!
-Feel English! 1
相手を褒めたいときの You have -.
Dialogue. Here we go.
Thelma called Shawn to her office. He comes with a large coffee in his hand.
Thelma was working in her new seat when Shawn brought her an L-size coffee.

You wanted to see me, Boss?
by five 5時までには

Oh, I almost forgot. This is for you, Boss.
Coffee! You have a bright future at this company, young man.

You have a bright future at this company, young man.
上司になったテルマにショーンが「ボス、 どうぞ」 とコーヒーを渡します。(Thelma, now his boss, is handed a cup of coffee by Shawn, who says, “Here you go, boss.)

-Feel English! 2
相手の悪いところを指摘したいときの You have -.
Emily is busy working at home. Her mother walks in and notices that there are crumbs all over the place.
ソファーで仕事をしているエミリー。 お母さんが、近くに落ちている食べかすに気づきます。
(Emily is working on the couch. Her mother notices some food scraps that have fallen nearby.)

vacuum 掃除機をかける
crumb 食べかす パンくず
attitude 態度

You should vacuum this couch.
I’m busy.
So many crumbs.
Mom! I’ll do it later!
You have a bad attitude, young lady!


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