英会話 feel English 24/6/25(火)L34-L36

英会話 feel English 24/6/25(火)L34-L36

Here you are.
Thank you. It’s lovely!
Please enjoy your stay!

I’m Tom’s sister, Candice.
It’s lovely to meet you.
Are you from Japan?

You’d like to be moved to a larger suite?
Yes, if possible. I have no room to relax.
Very well. I’ll see what we have.

Are you going to see any shows?
l’d like to, but there’s no room in my itinerary.
Ah. That’s too bad.

What can I do for you?
I have a problem with my room. It’s way too hot.
I’m sorry. We’ll have someone check that ASAP [as soon as possible).

Is something wrong with your translator?
I have a problem with his way of speaking (the way he speaks). People think I’m being rude when he translates.
I’m so sorry. I’ll see if we have anyone else available.


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