英会話 feel English 24/7/4(木)L39 What can I say?

英会話 feel English 24/7/4(木)L39 What can I say?
会話の合間にはさむととてもナチュラル! What can I say?
-Feel English!1
「どうしたらいいんだろう」と困っているときの What can I say -?
Emily is hosting a big event at our gallery next week.
(Emily will be hosting an important event at the gallery next week.)

gathering 集まり、集会
have a gathering
Not a chance.ありえない
Come on.
It’s a deal! それで手を打とう!

I don’t like art parties.
Yes, you do. What can I say to change your mind?

What can I say to change your mind?

-Feel English!2
褒められて 「まあね」 とまんざらでもないときのWhat can I say?
Dialogue 2
Emily and Thelma are playing darts for the first time in a long time.
(Thelma and Emily are at the bar after work and the two decide to play darts.)

loser 負けた人
You’re on! (提案)乗った!
in the zone 波に乗っている、 絶好調な


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