英会話 feel English 25/1 week1 more examples
week 1こんなとき、どんなキモチでどう言う?
Some of us are going downtown later. Do you want to come?
I’m not sure if I want to go out tonight. I’m really tired.
No problem. Let me know if you change your mind.
I can set you up with a friend of mine, if you want.
Thanks, but I’m going out with someone back home.
Oh, I see. That’s cool.
Everyone who visits here buys this souvenir. You have to have one.
Don’t tell me what to do with my money.
Okay, sorry. Understood.
We don’t seem to be able to find your luggage.
Don’t tell me you lost it!
I’m sorry, sir. I’m sure we’ll locate it soon.
Back again today, sir?
Yeah. I want to explore more places, but I keep coming back here.
Well, we appreciate your business. You’re welcome anytime!
Is everything okay, ma’am?
Yes, more or less. I keep thinking I forgot something important at home.
Well, I wouldn’t worry. We have everything you could need here.