英会話 feel English 25/1/7(火) Let’s go out on the town.
Is this sentence, “Let’s go out on the town.” correct?
Yes, the sentence “Let’s go out on the town.” is correct and commonly used in conversational English. Here’s what it means and how it’s used:
Meaning of “Go out on the town”
“Go out on the town” is an idiomatic expression that means to go out and enjoy activities in a town or city, often involving socializing, dining, entertainment, or nightlife.
It implies a fun, leisurely outing, usually in the evening.
Examples of Usage
“It’s been a long week. Let’s go out on the town this Saturday night!”
(Implying you want to relax and enjoy activities in the town.)
“They went out on the town to celebrate her birthday.”
(They spent time in the town enjoying activities like dining, drinking, or dancing.)
Comparison with Similar Expressions
“Let’s go to town”: Suggests simply visiting the town, often for a specific purpose (e.g., shopping or errands).
“Let’s go out in the town”: Implies spending time within the town but is less idiomatic than “on the town.”
“Let’s go out on the town” is a natural and correct phrase, especially when referring to an enjoyable outing. It’s perfect for casual or fun plans!
町へ行こう: 単に町を訪れることを示唆し、多くの場合、特定の目的(買い物や用事など)がある。
(町に出かけよう): 町内で過ごすことを意味するが、「on the town 」より慣用的でない。
Let’s go out /lɛts ɡoʊ aʊt/ 外出しよう
on the town /ɒn ðə taʊn/ 街で、街に出て
correct /kəˈrɛkt/ 正しい
commonly used /ˈkɑːmənli juːzd/ 一般的に使われる
conversational English /ˌkɑːnvərˈseɪʃənl ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ 会話英語
idiomatic expression /ˌɪdiəˈmætɪk ɪkˈsprɛʃən/ 慣用表現
go out /ɡoʊ aʊt/ 外出する
enjoy /ɪnˈʤɔɪ/ 楽しむ
activities /ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ 活動
socializing /ˈsoʊʃəˌlaɪzɪŋ/ 社交
dining /ˈdaɪnɪŋ/ 食事をすること
entertainment /ˌɛntərˈteɪnmənt/ 娯楽
nightlife /ˈnaɪtˌlaɪf/ 夜の娯楽、夜の外出
implies /ɪmˈplaɪz/ 暗に示す
fun /fʌn/ 楽しいこと
leisurely outing /ˈliːʒərli ˈaʊtɪŋ/ 気軽な外出
evening /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ 夕方、夜
examples /ɪɡˈzæmplz/ 例
usage /ˈjuːsɪdʒ/ 使用
celebrate /ˈsɛləˌbreɪt/ 祝う
birthday /ˈbɜːrθˌdeɪ/ 誕生日
comparison /kəmˈpærɪsn/ 比較
similar expressions /ˈsɪmɪlər ɪkˈsprɛʃənz/ 類似した表現
Let’s go to town /lɛts ɡoʊ tuː taʊn/ 街に行こう
visiting /ˈvɪzɪtɪŋ/ 訪れること
specific purpose /spəˈsɪfɪk ˈpɜːrpəs/ 特定の目的
shopping /ˈʃɑːpɪŋ/ 買い物
errands /ˈɛrəndz/ 用事、使い走り
less idiomatic /lɛs ˌɪdiəˈmætɪk/ あまり慣用的ではない
conclusion /kənˈkluːʒən/ 結論
natural /ˈnæʧərəl/ 自然な
phrase /freɪz/ フレーズ、表現
casual /ˈkæʒuəl/ くだけた、カジュアルな
plans /plænz/ 計画