中高生の基礎英語 24/5/14(火) T4-D2 How do you get to school? どんな方法で学校に通っていますか?

中高生の基礎英語 24/5/14(火) T4-D2 How do you get to school? どんな方法で学校に通っていますか?
Q1. How does Ayaka get to school?
Q2. What time does Ayaka arrive at school?
-What would you say?
今週のトピックについて、 英語で話すために役立つフレーズとさまざまな言い換え例をご紹介します。
Topic How do you get to school?
I take…
I come by…
I take the train.
I take the bus.
I take the subway.
I come by bike.
I come by train.
I come by bus.
I come by subway.
I change…
I transfer to…
I take the train.
Then I change trains.
Then the subway.
Then I transfer to a bus.

-Open-ended Question
あなた自身の考えをもとに、 質問に答えてみましょう。
What do you usually do at school before classes start?

to travel by / on / in
t0 move to another place, to change from a car, bus, or plane, etc. to other transportation
oh, boy
used when you are excited, worried, or disappointed
to move or go from one place to another
below the ground
get around
to go or travel to different places

Now, let’s find out more about how Ayaka gets to school. To understand her thoughts better, we’ll ask you some questions.
Okay. Here’s the first question: Q1). How does Ayaka get to school?
How does Ayaka get to school? Everyone, let’s think together. Moeno?
She takes the train. Then she change(s) trains. Then the subway. Then she transfers to a bus.
Yes. There are many, many steps. All right. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.
-from the Dialogue
How do you get to school?
I take the train. Then I change trains. Then the subway. Then I transfer to a bus.
Wow. That’s a long trip.

The question was: How does Ayaka get to school? And the answer is: A1). She takes two trains, the subway, and a bus.
She takes two trains, the subway, and a bus. Moeno, your answer was very good, too.
Thank you.
Everyone, let’s try saying the answer together like this: Ayaka takes two trains, the subway, and a bus.
Very good job.
Okay. Let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.

-from the Dialogue

Okay. So, here’s the question: Q2). What time does Ayaka arrive at school?
What time does Ayaka arrive at school? Moeno?
She arrives at… uh, she arrives at school at 7:30.
Yes. Very nice. The question was: What time does Ayaka arrive at school? And one way to answer is: A2). She arrives at 7:30. And Moeno, you said, “She arrives at school at 7:30.” That’s perfect. Very nice.
Everyone, let’s practice the answer like this: Ayaka arrives at school at 7:30. Very nice. Good job.
Great. All right. Moeno, everyone, try to put the two answers together to make a short summary of what Ayaka says. You can start like this: To get to school, Ayaka…. Go ahead.


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