中高生の基礎英語 24/6/10(月) T6-D1 If you had one superpower, what would it be?

中高生の基礎英語 24/6/10(月) T6-D1 If you had one superpower, what would it be?
もし超能力を1つ持てるなら、 それは何でしょうか?
今週のトピックについて、 今のあなたの考えを書いてみましょう。
If you had one superpower, what would it be?
-New Words, New Phrases
Instead of…,

-Conversation Strategy今週のダイアログから、会話を続けるために役立つ表現を学びましょう。
1). Plus, …
*and とよく似た使い方ができます。
例) I’ll have a chocolate milkshake. Plus, French fries.
2). In addition,
plus と同じ使い方ができますが、 より形式的な言い方です。
例) I can speak Japanese. In addition, I can speak English.
3). On top of that, …
例) On top of that, we could build better relationships with animals.

-One More Phrase
According to…,

being able to do something
=1/60 of a minute
pack up
to put your things together into a container, such as a bag, suitcase, or box
a stage in an event
a kind of tiny creature, such as a butterfly, beetle, dragonfly, etc.; insect
to give a thing and receive another
walk a dog
to take your dog outside, usually around your home in your neighborhood
an announcement of what may happen in the future

-Topic 6, Day 1.
Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic, which is: If you had one superpower, what would it be?
If you had one superpower, what would it be?
Hmm. A superpower, like a superhero has.
Moeno, can you think of an example of a superpower?
Power to move things without touching them.
Oh. That’s a good example. “The power to move things without touching them.” Another superpower might be the ability to fly.
Or to travel a long distance in less than a second.
Or to change the size and shape of your body any way that you want.
Or to control wind, water, and fire using your mind.
There are so many possible superpowers.
Yeah. Your superpower could be anything you can imagine.
But if you had to choose just one…
This week, we’re asking, “If you had one superpower, what would it be?”
Now, let’s move on to this week’s dialogue.
In the classroom, Mei and Edison are packing up their bags after the last class of the day.
Let’s listen to what they say.

Moeno, what words did you catch?
Mm-hmm. Good.
And “relationships.”
Oh, very nice. Yeah. Mei says, “Yes, please,” at the end. “Yes, please” means that she really likes the idea, and yes, please, she would love to dance with her dog.
Right. We’ll find out more about the things Edison and Mei say on Day 2 and Day 3.

-New Words, New Phrases
Today’s first word is: finals.
Moeno, when you hear the word “finals,” what do you think of?
Last of something, like last match.
Yeah. That’s very good. The last of something, like the last match in a sporting event, for example. The last round of games or matches is called the finals.
Yes. But in the dialogue, Mei says, “I have so much to study,” and Edison responds, “Finals are next month. There’s still time.”
Right. Here, “finals” means “final examinations” – the last tests you take when school courses, usually around July and in March and in some schools in December, too.
Yeah. And finals are usually the biggest and hardest tests, too.
That’s right. Okay. Our next new word is: creature.


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