中高生の基礎英語 24/6/3(月) T5-D1 What do you usually do on weekends?

中高生の基礎英語 24/6/3(月) T5-D1 What do you usually do on weekends?
What do you usually do on weekends ?
-New Words, New Phrases
speaking of…
-Conversation Strategy
It was nice talking with you.
Talk to you later.
Let’s talk again later. と同じ意味で、「また近々会って話をしたい」と相手に伝えることができます。
-One More Phrase
What do you think?

come over
to move towards something, to visit a place
a group of people who watch or listen to someone performing or speaking
to express your admiration or approval
to look at or listen to something carefully, to pay attention to
a long, written story, usually about fictional characters and events

-中高生の基礎英語♪ ♪ in English! ♪
Hello, listeners, and welcome to the show. My name is
Gary Scott Fine.
Hello, I’m Sumida Moeno. Let’s have a fun week!
Hannah, will be taking a break for the next few months, so during that time, Sandy will be joining us. Welcome to the show, Sandy.
Thanks, Gary. Hi, everyone. My name’s Sandy. I was born in Taiwan, I grew up in Australia, and I’ve been living in Japan for 13 years.
Wow! It’s great to have you with us.
Thank you. I’m really excited to be here with you all today.
All right, then. Let’s get started.
Topic 5, Day 1.
Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic, which is: What do you usually do on weekends?
What do you usually do on weekends?
Mmm… Moeno?
What do you usually do on weekdays?
I usually go to school on weekdays.
Uh-huh. I thought so. The weekdays are Monday to Friday. The weekend usually means Saturday and Sunday.
Right. Those are the days at the end of the school week or work week.
For many people, weekends are a chance to take a break from school or work and do something different.
Sure. You might go somewhere with your family or friends.
Or you might play sports or video games or watch TV or read.
Or maybe you just like to sleep in and get a lot of rest.
Right. There are so many things that you might do on weekends.
So, this week, we’re asking, “What do you usually do on weekends?”
Moeno, on Day 5, you’ll tell us what you usually do on weekends, and why you do it.
Okay. Now, let’s move on to this week’s dialogue. After school, Jake is working alone at a table in the classroom.
A girl, Mei, comes over to talk.
Let’s listen to what they say.

What words did you catch?
Mm-hmm. Good.
And “dancing.”
Oh, very good.
Have you heard the expression “That’s awesome!” before?
You have?
“Awesome” means “really, really great.”
Right. It’s stronger than just “great.”
Yes. And Jake also says, “No way!”
“No way!” means “Wow! That’s amazing!”
Okay. We’ll find out more about the things Jake and Mei say on Day 2 and Day 3.

-New Words, New Phrases
Here are some words and phrases that you might have heard for the first time.
Today’s first word is: rehearse.
“To rehearse” means “to practice for a performance.”
Right. For example, a singing group might rehearse a song, or actors might rehearse a scene that they will perform.
Yes. Remember this difference between “practice” and “rehearse.” When you practice, your goal is just to improve your skill.
But when you rehearse, your goal is to perform for an audience.
Right. Our next new expression is: Respect!
Moeno, do you know the word “respect”?
Yes, I do. I think the word means… the word is used when someone praise some other one’s ability or work.
Oh, that’s great. “When someone praises another person’s ability or work.” That’s a great explanation. “Respect” is a feeling or opinion that someone or something is special and good and important.
In the dialogue, when Mei tells Jake how hard she practices dance, Jake says, “Respect!”
Yeah. This means, “I think you’re great!”
Our last new phrase is: speaking of X.


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