中高生の基礎英語 24/6/6(木) T5-D4 What do you usually do on weekends?

中高生の基礎英語 24/6/6(木) T5-D4 What do you usually do on weekends?
-Chat with the Guest
Q1. What does Mieke think is special about Indonesia?
Q2. Where would Mieke recommend visiting in Indonesia?

-Guest’s Thoughts
Q1. What does Mieke usually do on weekends?
Q2. Why does Mieke think it’s exciting to sing in a choir and join concerts?
Q3. According to Mieke, what are some good things about badminton?

-Sandy’s Thoughts
Q1. What does Sandy usually do on weekends?
Q2. What happens when Sandy starts a good book?
Q3. Why does Sandy like reading fantasy novels?

a person who reads news or gives information on the radio or television
to travel to or around an area and learn about it, to search
local food
food that is grown, caught, or made nearby or in a region
having a good taste, being full of taste
just about
almost, nearly
stay fit
to maintain your health, beauty, and body shape
the language used by ancient Romans
a thick novel
= a book about fictional people or events that has a lot of pages
get away
to escape
a bit tiring
making someone feel a little tired

-Chat with the Guest
♪ Topic 5: What do you usually do on weekends? Day 4.
All right, then. Let’s welcome our guest for the next two months.
Hi, I’m Mieke Velma. Please call me Mieke.
Hi, Mieke.
Hey. Welcome, Mieke. Please tell us a little about yourself.
I’m from Jakarta, Indonesia. I work as a radio announcer.
And I also love doing voice acting.
Outside of work, I like to sing and watch anime.
Anime! I love anime.
Is anime popular in Indonesia?
Yes. Everyone loves anime.
Wow. May I ask more about Indonesia? What do you think is special about Indonesia?
I think Indonesia is special for its beautiful nature and delicious food.
Beautiful nature. Where would you recommend visiting?
I would recommend exploring the beaches. Bali Island is known for its beautiful beaches, like Nusa Dua, Uluwatu, Kuta, and many more.
Wow. I’ve been to Bali. It was so beautiful.
Oh, thank you.
Did you go to the beach?
Yes. I was at the beach every day I was in Bali.
What local food would you recommend?
Other than nasi goreng or fried rice, I would recommend soto.
What’s that?
That is a flavorful Indonesian soup.
Yeah. And also, rendang. It’s an Indonesian famous beef dish cooked slowly in coconut milk and spices.
Yum! I think I’m getting hungry.
And also, another one is terang bulan. It’s a sweet pancake dish filled with toppings, such as chocolate, cheese, or peanuts.
Is that a dessert?
Yes. Dessert and main menu.
You can eat that for a main course?
Can you eat it for breakfast?
Of course. Anytime you want.
Mmm. It sounds great.

-Guest’s Thoughts
Now, let’s move on to Mieke’s and Sandy’s thoughts. So, Mieke, please tell us, what do you usually do on weekends?
On weekends, I usually do music and sports. I sing in a choir and join concerts a few times a year.
It’s exciting because sometimes we get to sing in different languages.
Wow. That does sound exciting.
Besides singing, I also like to play badminton with my friends. It’s easy to play just about anywhere. All you need is a racket, a shuttlecock, and some space. Playing badminton is a good chance for me to be active and stay fit.
What is a “shuttlecock”?
That’s a good question. In tennis, you use a ball. In badminton, you use a shuttlecock.
Ah. Shatoru?


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