中高生の基礎英語 24/7/1(月) T7-D1 What do you do to help around your home?

中高生の基礎英語 24/7/1(月) T7-D1 What do you do to help around your home?
What do you do to help around your home?
What do you do to help around your home?
-New Words, New Phrases
to appreciate…
someone’s place
do chores
at least
-Conversation Strategy
今週のダイアログから、会話を続けるために役立つ表現を学びましょう。 今回は 「さらに詳細を聞き
1). Like what?
Give me an example. と同じ意味で、 相手に具体例を聞きたいときに使えます。 For example? のカジュアルな言い方です。
2). What do you mean?
-One More Phrase
今週のダイアログから、 すぐに使える便利な表現をご紹介します。
I’m not used to …ing.
I don’t have a lot of experience doing something. と同じ意味で、慣れていない、つまり上手ではないことを伝える場合に使えます。

help around one’s home
to help do house chores
to visit a store to buy things
food that is prepared and served as part of a meal
out of time
not having any time left

There are a lot of things that must be done in your home to help your life go smoothly.
Moeno, what kind of things need to be done around your home?
Mmm. Cooking, cleaning, and washing the dishes.
Oh, yes. Someone needs to shop and clean and cook and wash.
And a lot of things need to be done every day.
Yeah. This week, we’re asking, “What do you do to help around your home?”
Moeno, on Day 5, you’ll tell us what you do to help around your home and how often you do it.
Okay. Now, let’s move on to this week’s dialogue.
Vicky and Jake are eating a dish they’ve just cooked together in class.
Let’s listen to what they say.

Moeno, what words did you catch?
“Cooking” and “homework.”
Yes. That’s good.
And “practice.”
Very nice. We’ll find out more about the things Vicky and Jake say on Day 2 and Day 3.

-New Words, New Phrases
Here are some phrases that you might have heard for the first time.
Today’s first phrase is: to appreciate X.
to appreciate X.
“To appreciate something” means “to feel happy that someone has done something helpful for you.”
Yes. In the dialogue, when Jake says that he should help more around his home, Vicky replies, “Parents appreciate it.”
Right. She means, “Parents feel happy and full of thanks if you help around your home.”
Yeah. “I appreciate it” is another way to say, “Thank you.”
Okay. Our next new phrase is: someone’s place.
someone’s place.
Moeno, what do you think I mean if I say, “Let’s meet at my place”?
I think it means, “Let’s meet at my home.”
Yes. That’s excellent. “Someone’s place” means the place where they live. Good.
In the dialogue, Vicky tells Jake, “Someday, I’ll have my own place.”
Yeah. She means, “Someday, I’ll have my own place to live.”
All right. Our next new phrase is: do chores.
do chores
A chore is something that is not interesting or fun to do, but it has to be done.
Yeah. At home, “doing chores” or “doing the chores” means doing things like cleaning the bathroom or washing and drying clothes.
Yeah. In the dialogue, Vicky says, “Someday, I’ll have my own place, and I’ll need to do all the chores myself.”
Yeah. Some students move into their own place when they go to college.
Right. And then they may have to do all the shopping and cleaning and washing themselves.
Our last new phrase today is: at least.
at least
In the dialogue, “at least” expresses the least or smallest thing you should do.
Jake says, “At least I should do the dishes.”


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