中高生の基礎英語24/7/2(火) T7-D2 What do you do to help around your home?

中高生の基礎英語24/7/2(火) T7-D2 What do you do to help around your home?
What do you do to help around your home? 家ではどんな手伝いをしますか? Day 2
Q1. What does Vicky think about helping around her home?
Q2. Why does Vicky think that helping around her home is good practice?

-What would you say?
Topic What do you do to help around your home?
I set the table.
I take out the trash.
I vacuum.
I help with the shopping.
I make my bed.
I should do the dishes.

-Open-ended Question. あなた自身の考えをもとに、 質問に答えてみましょう。
Vicky says that helping around your home is good practice. Do you agree with her? Why or why not?

to make a list of something or to mention a series of things, such as items, tasks, or examples
put out
to place things somewhere so that they are ready to be used
suck up
to pull gases, liquids, or objects into something by using air movement
to make a place look nice by putting things where they should be
slowly or little by little, over a long period of time

Now, let’s find out more about what Vicky says. We’ll ask you some questions.
Okay. Here’s the first question: Q1). What does Vicky think about helping around her home? Moeno?
Q1). What does Vicky think about helping around her home? Moeno?
She thinks it’s important to help around her home.
Nice answer. All right. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.

The question was: Q1). What does Vicky think about helping around her home? And the answer is: She thinks it’s A important.
Everyone, let’s practice saying the answer together like this: Vicky thinks it’s important to help around her home. Excellent.
All right. Let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.

So, here’s the question: Q2). Why does Vicky think that helping around her home is good practice?
Q2). Why does Vicky think that helping around her home is good practice? Moeno?
Because someday, she will have her own place, and she’ll need to do all the chores herself.
Great answer.
The question was: Q2). Why does Vicky think that helping around her home is good practice? And the answer is: A2). Because someday, she’ll have her own place, and she’ll need to do all the chores herself.
Everyone, let’s practice the answer in three parts like this:
“She thinks it’s good practice”, “because someday, she’ll have her own place,”, “and she’ll need to do all the chores herself.” Well done.
All right. Everyone, Moeno, try to put the two answers together to make a short summary of what Vicky says. You can start like this: Vicky thinks…. Go ahead.
Vicky thinks it’s important to help around her home. She thinks it’s good practice because someday, she… because someday, she’ll have her own place, and she’ll need to do all the chores herself.
Great job. Yeah, you can say it like this:
Vicky thinks it’s important to help around her home. She thinks it’s good practice because someday, she’ll have her own place, and she’ll need to do all the chores herself. Great job, everyone.
-What would you say?
Today, let’s look at ways to talk about what you do to help around your home.
Vicky does a lot of things to help around her home.
Yeah. In the dialogue, she lists some of the things she does.
Yes. She says: I set the table. I take out the trash. I vacuum. I help with the shopping.
“To set the table” means “to get the table ready for a meal.” You put out dishes – plates, bowls, and glasses – chopsticks, maybe forks, spoons, and so on. Yeah.
“To take out the trash” means “to carry bags of trash or garbage outside, where they will be taken away.”
“To vacuum” means “to use a machine called a vacuum cleaner to suck up dust and dirt, usually from the floor or the carpet.”
Ah, soujiki.
Yes! That’s right.
And “to help with the shopping” probably means that Vicky goes with her mother or father to the store and helps get what the family needs.
Yeah. Vicky also helps with the cooking.
You could also say, “I help with the cleaning” or “I help with the laundry.” The laundry is washing and drying your clothes.
Yes. Okay, everybody. Let’s try saying Vicky’s line in two parts. Ready?
“I set the table. I take out the trash.” “I vacuum. I help with the shopping.”


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