中高生の基礎英語 24/7/5(金) T7-D4 What do you do to help around your home?

中高生の基礎英語 24/7/5(金) T7-D4 What do you do to help around your home?
-Useful Expressions
I set the table.
I take out the trash.
I vacuum.
I help with the shopping.
I make my bed.
I should do the dishes.
I do it every other day.
The trash is three days a week.
I help shop whenever my parents ask me.

get confused
to not have a clear understanding
a feeling of great happiness
being able to burn; in this case, a type of trash, such as used paper or kitchen waste
throw out
to get rid of something that you do not want

Now, let’s listen to summaries of what Vicky and Jake say. Try to write down the key words while you listen. Here we go.
Vicky thinks it’s important to help around her home, so she does lots of things. She sets the table, takes out the trash, and vacuums. It’s good practice for when she has her own place.
Vicky thinks it’s important to help around her home, so she does lots of things. She sets the table, takes out the trash, and vacuums. It’s good practice for when she has her own place.

Jake thinks he doesn’t do much to help around his home. He makes his bed every other day, but he thinks he should help more. At least he should do the dishes!
Jake thinks he doesn’t do much to help around his home. He makes his bed every other day, but he thinks he should help more. At least he should do the dishes!

-One-on-one Training
In this section, I will help Moeno express her thoughts about this week’s topic. So, Moeno, please tell us, what do you do to help around your home?
I set the table when I… when I don’t have to do anything else.
Mm-hmm. May I ask, for example, like what?
I have to do my homework.
Okay. I see. So, maybe you could say, “I set the table when I don’t have to do anything else, like my homework.”
Ah, okay. I set the table when I don’t have to do anything else, like my homework.
And I take out the trash three… five days a week.
Wow. That’s a lot.
And I help with the shopping whenever my mother asks me.
How often does your mother ask you to help with shopping?
Mmm. Once a month.
Maybe once a month?
I see. “I help with the shopping whenever my mother asks me, about once a month.”
About once a month. And I help with cooking and folding the laundry
Mm-hmm. Good.
when my school is a long vacation. When my…
You could say, “When I have…”
When I have…
“a long vacation from school.”
Ah. When I have a long vacation from school.
I see.
I like clean places, but I don’t like cleaning myself.
I see.
So, I appreciate my… uh, appreciate that…


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