基礎英語1 23/12/22(金) L155 L151-154復習

基礎英語1 23/12/22(金) L155 L151-154復習
Hi, guys -.  It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnet.
Let’s have a lot of fun.
And improve our English. Level 1.
Let’s get started.

It’s Friday.
Let’s review this week’s lessons.
OK. Are you ready?
L155 review
Listen and remember.
First let’s listen to this week’s stories.
Questions about the Story
1 Does Fiona have a boyfriend?
2 What did Fiona teach Kento?

Emma teaches her sister English.
=Emma teaches English to her sister.
いくつかの動詞ではto ではなく for を置く
【for を使う動詞の例】 buy, make, get
My mother bought me this book.
= My mother bought this book for me.
3). May I ask you a question?(一つ質問をしてもよろしいでしょうか?)
= May I ask a question of you?

-Key Points of the Week
Mon I’ll give him a Christmas present.
Q1). わたしは父に帽子と傘を買うつもりです。


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