基礎英語2 24/1/22(月) W3-D1 Hototogisu (Little Cuckoo)

基礎英語2 24/1/22(月) W3-D1 Hototogisu (Little Cuckoo)
I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

January Week 3- Hototogisu (Little Cuckoo)
Weekly Goal 日本の歴史について話す
(Leo and Kenta’s class has finished their history lesson.)
-First Listen. Listen to today’s conversation for the main point.
(What are Leo and Kenta talking about?)

-Let’s check the answers.
They were talking about historical figure. Some historical figures came out.

-Words & Phrases
period 時代
history buff 歴史通、 歴史ファン(Today’s Word)
expression 表現
describe 〜を描写する、を詳細に表す, 名詞形は、description
little cuckoo ホトトギス
coax (何かをさせるために優しい口調で辛抱強く) 〜を説得する、を言いくるめる
gently 優しく
persuade を説得する


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