基礎英語2 24/5/15(水)W2-D3 バーベキューパーティー

基礎英語2 24/5/15(水)W2-D3 バーベキューパーティー
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.

May Week2 – バーベキューパーティー Day 3
It’s made from pickles.
-First Listen
Listen to the story carefully to find the answer.
(The barbecue at Jesse’s house continues.)
Here is the question.
(What would Reina top her burger with?)

-Useful English
over here こっちに
hot sauce ピリ辛ソース
hot , spicy
(used to describe food that causes a burning feeling in the mouth)
(food that tastes hot has a burning taste because it contains strong spices) 反対は、 mild
relish 薬味 (野菜、特にきゅうり)のピクルスをみじん切りにしたものなど。)
corn on the cob まるごと1本のとうもろこし
Boston baked beans ボストンベイクドビーンズ (baked とあるものの、オーブンなどで焼かない。実際は煮豆),糖蜜と塩漬け豚肉と一緒にゆっくり焼いた、乾燥した白インゲンマメ
(beans that have been cooked in tomato sauce, sugar, and spices. In the UK, these are usually sold in tins)
(small white beans cooked in a sauce made from tomatoes, usually sold in cans)
(be) sometimes called -, 〜と呼ばれることがある

-Second Listen
Now listen to the story again. Then, try to answer the question in English.
Q). What side dishes do they have?


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