基礎英語2 24/6/7(金)W1-D5 野球を観に行こう!

基礎英語2 24/6/7(金)W1-D5 野球を観に行こう!
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.
June Week1 – 野球を観に行こう! Day5
-This week’s review. This week’s stories.
Listen to the stories from this week, then answer each question in English.

-Day1 Q1). Is Boston’s rival in baseball Los Angeles?

-Day2 Q2). In the U.S., do many ballparks have their own original hot dogs?

-Day3 Q3). Who caught a foul ball?
-Day4 Q4). Did Jessie’s favorite team win?

-Friday Special 今週は… Let’s have a chat!
I need your advice.
I’m thinking about starting a new hobby. But I’m not sure what I should try.
Hmm. Well, how about baking? I’m sure if you try it, you’ll like it. It can be a little difficult, but you shouldn’t worry about being perfect. Just have fun.
Yeah, baking sounds interesting. But how about learning a musical instrument?


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