基礎英語2 24/7/5(金)W1-D5-Let’s have a chat!

基礎英語2 24/7/5(金)W1-D5-Let’s have a chat!
-Friday Special. Let’s have a chat!
Guys, it’s July already.
Time flies.
Yeah, that means we’ve been on this program together for three months. So let’s see how much we know about each other.
Okay, I’ll go first. Michael, do you know when my birthday is?
Yes, it’s September, right? Ah, sorry, I don’t know what date?
That’s okay. It’s 29th.
Okay. Now it’s my turn. Do you know where I live?
I know. You live in the same areas, Anya.
That’s right. I can walk to Anya’s house.


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