基礎英語1 24/11/6(水) L123 バランスが大事
How was the last episode, everyone?
Gray said, “How about visiting Takashi’s family?”
Takashi said, “That’s not very interesting.”
Gray said to Takashi, “I mean your ancestors.”
Now let’s start today’s lesson.
-L123 First, listening.
First, let'(s listen to the story and get the basic idea.)
Studying history in your free time? Wow, Mika.
It’s just fun. We’re doing Sengoku period cosplay.
See, history is fun.
Having fun is really important. Just don’t burn out.
Burn out?
You have school and baseball, too. Try and keep a balance.
I will. Thanks.
-Second listening.
Next find the answer to the question.
listen ˈlɪsən 聴く
story ˈstɔri 物語、話
basic idea ˈbeɪsɪk aɪˈdiə 基本的な考え
studying ˈstʌdiɪŋ 勉強する
free time fri taɪm 自由時間、暇な時間
history ˈhɪstəri 歴史
fun fʌn 楽しみ
Sengoku period sɛŋˈgoʊku ˈpɪriəd 戦国時代
cosplay ˈkɒzpleɪ コスプレ
important ɪmˈpɔrtənt 重要な
burn out bɜrn aʊt 疲れ果てる、燃え尽きる
balance ˈbæləns バランス
keep a balance kiːp ə ˈbæləns バランスを保つ
second ˈsɛkənd 二度目の
answer ˈænsər 答え
question ˈkwɛsʧən 質問
try and keep traɪ ənd kiːp ~を維持しようとする
having fun ˈhævɪŋ fʌn 楽しむこと
just don’t ʤʌst doʊnt ~しないように
Actually music is really fun.
Yeah. Singing songs is my life.
I love music too. Playing the base is my new favorite thing?
Okay, that’s it for today.
Thanks for joining us.
See you tomorrow.