基礎英語1 24/11/7(木) L124 たかし、ウマを助ける
How was the last episode, everyone?
Ms Saito said to Mika, “Having fun is really important. Just don’t burn out.”
She also said, “You have school and baseball, too. Try and keep a balance.”
Mika said, “I will.”
Now let’s start today’s lesson.
L124 First, listening.
First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
This samurai armor is so cool.
Yeah, but so heavy.
Guys, look! A horse.
Is she hurt?
What’s wrong, horse?
My hoof. It hurts.
Let me see.
No, please.
Just relax.
His specialty is helping animals.
I see.
You have an arrowhead in your hoof.
samurai ˈsæmʊˌraɪ 侍
armor ˈɑːrmər 鎧
heavy ˈhɛvi 重い
hurt hɜːrt 痛む、傷つける
hoof huːf 蹄
arrowhead ˈæroʊˌhɛd 矢じり
relax rɪˈlæks リラックスする
specialty ˈspɛʃəlti 専門、得意分野
helping ˈhɛlpɪŋ 助けること
-Let’s listen to the story again, and remember. Don’t look at your textbook.
How about you, Diana?
Samurai are my destiny.