基礎英語1 25/1/6(月)L161 図書館から始める

基礎英語1 25/1/6(月)L161 図書館から始める
Hi, guys. I’m Honda. It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnett.
Let’s have lots of fun and improve our English.
Let’s get started.

Happy New Year.
Are you having a great winter vacation?
I hope you’re having fun.
Ready to start the week?
Now, let’s start today’s lesson.
L161 図書館から始める
First let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
After school, Mika went to Dr. Saito for advice about the gray star!)

Green’s planet is in real trouble.
Sounds like it.
What can we do? I want to help him.
When I had a problem, my grandpa always said, “Start at the library.”
The library?
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.

-Second listening. Next find the answer to the question.
Q). 斉藤先生が困った時アドバイスをくれた人は誰でしたか?
(Who was the person who gave you advice when you were in trouble?)
-Let’s listen to the story again, and remember Don’t look at your textbook.
Green’s planet is in real trouble.
Sounds like it.
What can we do? I want to help him.
When I had a problem, my grandpa always said, “Start at the library.”
The library?
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.

-Now let’s check the answer.
Q). 斉藤先生が困った時アドバイスをくれた人は誰でしたか?
A). 答えは斉藤先生の祖父です。
Saito said, “When I had a problem, my grandpa always said, “Start at the library.”
Good job!

Green’s planet is in real trouble.
Sounds like it.
What can we do? I want to help him.
When I had a problem, my grandpa always said, “Start at the library.”
The library?
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.


(The library has a lot of books in many different genres, so it certainly seems like a good place to get ideas for solving problems.)
-Tell me more.
Sounds like it.
そうみたいです。 いや、そのようですね、という受け答えに使うフレーズです。

そのようなことを聞いた、という意味で、sounds を使っています。事実かどうかわからなくても使えます。
Mr. Sato is retiring?
Sounds like it.

似たような表現で、looks like it もよく使います。文字通り、「そういう風に見えます」だけではなくて、
Sounds like it. と同じで、そうみたいです。と言いたい時に使います。
Is it going to rain tomorrow? 明日雨降るのかな?
Looks like it.
降るみたいです。もちろん、Sounds like it.
soundsも looksも少し遠回しにして明確に答えるのを避けています。このような表現を遠距離表現と言いますよ。

-Okay. Let’s listen to the story one more time!
Green’s planet is in real trouble.
Sounds like it.
What can we do? I want to help him.
When I had a problem, my grandpa always said, “Start at the library.”
The library?
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.

-Today’s key point.
今日の学習ポイントは、数や量について言ってみようです。そして今日のキーセンテンスは、 こちら。
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
a fewは少しの、2、3の、いくつかの、などの意味で数えられる名詞の複数形の前に置いて使います。
今日のキーセンテンスでは、a few books で 本が少数かもしれないけど、ある状況を表しています。
数えられない名詞の前には、a little を置きます。それでは、他の例文も見てみましょう。
1). I visited Noto a few years ago.
a few yearsで、2、3年という意味です。2、3年と訳しましたが、a few は、2や3のように、 正確な数を言う表現ではなく、少ない数であることを表すときに使います。次です。
2). I drank a little water when I got home.
water は数えられない名詞なので少しのと言いたいときには a little を使います。次です
3). I was a little tired yesterday.
a little は形容詞の前にもつけることができます。tired は疲れたという意味の形容詞で、a little tired で少し疲れたという意味になります。
Now, repeat each sentence after us.
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I visited Noto a few years ago.
I drank a little water when I got home.
I was a little tired yesterday.
-Try repeating.
1). 私は自分の貯金箱に少しお金があります。
I have a little money in my piggy bank.
2). 私の街には、2、3軒の美味しいイタリアンレストランがあります。
There are a few good Italian restaurants in my town.
-Say it. Let’s have a chat.
1). あなたは友達と家の近くにあるレストランについて話しています。
Are there any good restaurants near your house?
Yeah, there are a few good ramen restaurants.
There are a few good Chinese restaurants near my house.
Oh, nice.
There are a few good Chinese restaurants near my house.と言えましたか?

2). ラーメンや中国料理の話をしていたら、お腹が空いてきました。
I’m hungry. Let’s go and eat some curry.
Good idea. There’s a popular restaurant near here.
I’m a little hungry, too.
Great! Let’s go.
I’m a little hungry, too.と言えましたか?
-Be a performer
ステップ1 まずは今日のストーリーのリピート練習をしましょう。ここでは私のきっかけは待ちません。ダイアナのすぐ後についてリピートしましょう。
Green’s planet is in real trouble.
Sounds like it.
What can we do? I want to help him.
When I had a problem, my grandpa always said, “Start at the library.”
The library?
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.

Great work!
-Step 2 次にストーリーの一部を覚えて対話をしてみましょう。最初に今日取り上げる箇所を聞きましょう。
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.
今日は 皆さんは斉藤先生のパートを担当します。もう一度聞いて斉藤先生のセリフを確認しましょう。
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
Acting time.
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.
-Okay. Let’s listen to the story one last time.

Green’s planet is in real trouble.
Sounds like it.
What can we do? I want to help him.
When I had a problem, my grandpa always said, “Start at the library.”
The library?
I think our library has a few books about mushrooms.
I see. I’ll start there.

Are there any good restaurants near your house, Mr. Honda?
Yes, there are a few famous ramen shops.
Nice. There are a few popular ramen restaurants near my house too.

Okay that’s it for today
Thanks for joining us.
See you tomorrow.Bye.

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