基礎英語1 25/1/8(水)L163 ミカ、 調べる

基礎英語1 25/1/8(水)L163 ミカ、 調べる
Hi, guys. I’m Honda. It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnett.
Let’s have lots of fun and improve our English.
Let’s get started.

How was the last episode, everyone?
Gray said, “Earth dogs and his species have a lot in common.”
Then Takashi asked Gray, “Does he eat meat?”
Gray answered, “Yeah, he ate ten slices of ham for lunch.”

Now, Let’s start today’s lesson.
L163 ミカ、 調べる
-First listening. First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
まずはストーリーを聞いて大まかに話の流れを使いましょう。 テキストをお持ちの方はイラストを見ながら聞いてください。
タカシはミカと話をするため、学校中を探します。 図書室の書棚のところでミカを見つけます。
(Takashi searches all over the school to talk to Mika. He finds Mika at the bookshelf in the library.)

Hey, Mika. What are you up to?
I’m reading about mushrooms.
Oh, you want to help Gray.
Yeah. Maybe the answer is in a book.
Did you find anything?
Kind of. Mushrooms are amazing. They connect plants.
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
How interesting.

-Second listening. Next, find the answer to the question.
(In the second listening, let’s listen to the next point.)
Let’s listen to the story again. And remember, don’t look at your textbook.

Hey, Mika. What are you up to?
I’m reading about mushrooms.
Oh, you want to help Gray.
Yeah. Maybe the answer is in a book.
Did you find anything?
Kind of. Mushrooms are amazing. They connect plants.
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
How interesting.

-Now let’s check the answer.
質問は、「ミカは、まあね、を英語で何と言っていますか? 」でした。では、答えを英語でどうぞ。
The answer is…
Kind of.
この表現についてはこの後のTell me moreで取り上げますよ。
Good job!
Hey, Mika. What are you up to?
I’m reading about mushrooms.
Oh, you want to help Gray.
Yeah, maybe the answer is in a book.
Did you find anything?
Kind of. Mushrooms are amazing. They connect plants.
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
How interesting.

-Tell me more.
ストーリーに出てきた言葉やフレーズを一つ取り上げて、クリスとダイアナにその使い方を教えてもらいましょう。 今日取り上げるのは、
Kind of.
(This phrase can be used when you want to be vague when responding to someone’s question, or when you don’t want to discuss details.)

Did you find anything? 何か見つかった?
(He asks, I haven’t found a way to save the gray star yet, but I’ve looked up a lot of things about mushrooms.)
kind of には、他にも使い方があって、文章の途中に入れて「ちょっと、何か」という曖昧なニュアンスを出すときに使うことがあります。
Kind of has other uses, and it’s used when you put something in the middle of a sentence and give a vague nuance.
例えば、I’m tired. に、ちょっと」というニュアンスを入れる場合は、
I’m kind of tired. のように表現できます。
日常の会話で断定できない時やあいまいにしておきたいことは多いですね。そんなときに kind of は活躍してくれる表現です。ぜひ覚えておきましょう。
(In everyday conversation, there are many things that you can’t define or that you want to make vague. In that case, the phrase kind of is an active phrase. Please remember it.)

-Okay, let’s listen to the story one more time.
Hey, Mika. What are you up to?
I’m reading about mushrooms.
Oh, you want to help Gray.
Yeah. Maybe the answer is in a book.
Did you find anything?
Kind of. Mushrooms are amazing. They connect plants.
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
How interesting.

-Today’s key point.
今日の学習ポイントは驚いたり感動したりしたことを伝えようです。 そして今日のキーセンテンスはこちら。
How interesting!
How + 形容詞!
How beautiful!
How cool!
How cute!
How fun!
-Now, repeat each sentence after us.
How interesting!
How beautiful!
How cool!
How cute!
How fun!
-Nice! Try repeating.
No.1 なんて楽しいんだ。このゲームは素晴らしい。
How fun! This game is great.
How fun! This game is great!

No.2 あなたがこのコンピューターを組み立てたのですか? なんてすごいんだ。
You built this computer? How amazing!
You built this computer? How amazing!

-Say it. Let’s have a chat.
1). あなたは友達と遊園地にやってきました。 ジェットコースターから降りた直後です。
(You have just arrived at an amusement park with your friends. You just got off the roller coaster.)
It was so amazing.
Yeah, it was so fast. I screamed a lot.
友達はジェットコースターがとても速くてたくさん叫んだと言っています。 今度はあなたがなんて楽しいんだと言いましょう。 どうぞ。
I want to ride it again later.
How fun!と言えましたか?

2). 今度は映画のキャラクターがいっぱい出てくるアトラクションに来ました。
(Now we came to an attraction full of movie characters.)
Hey, it’s those cute characters from the movie.
Yeah, look at them.
今度はあなたがなんて可愛らしいんだと言いましょう。 どうぞ。
Let’s take a picture with them.
How cute!と言えましたか?

-Be a good boy.
Step 1
まずは今日のストーリーのリピート練習をしましょう。 ここでは私のきっかけは待ちません。 クリス、ダイアナのすぐ後についてリピートしましょう。
Hey, Mika. What are you up to?
I’m reading about mushrooms.
Oh, you want to help Gray.
Yeah. Maybe the answer is in a book.
Did you find anything?
Kind of. Mushrooms are amazing. They connect plants.
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
How interesting.

Great work!
-Step 2
次にストーリーの一部を覚えて対話をしてみましょう。 最初に 今日取り上げる箇所を聞きましょう。
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
How interesting!
今日は皆さんはたかしのパートを担当します。 もう一度聞いてたかしのセリフを確認しましょう。
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
How interesting!
How interesting!
-Acting time!
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
-Okay, let’s listen to the story one last time.
Hey, Mika. What are you up to?
I’m reading about mushrooms.
Oh, you want to help Gray.
Yeah, maybe the answer is in a book.
Did you find anything?
Kind of. Mushrooms are amazing. They connect plants.
Plants can share water, minerals, and information all thanks to mushrooms.
How interesting!

This is a picture of my granddaughter.
How cute!
How old is she?
She’s four.

英語の学習は毎日英語に触れることが大切ですよ。 今日学んだ英文をノートやテキストなどに書いてみるといいですよ。 頑張ってください。
OK, that’s it for today.
Thanks for joining us.
See you tomorrow.

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