基礎英語2 24/10/21(月) W4-D1 Trick or treat!
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.
October Week4 -Trick or treat! Day1
Weekly Goal
Can you help me zip up my costume?
-First Listen. Listen to the story carefully to find the answer. Day1
きょうはハロウィーンです。 玲奈は、 詩織といっしょに、 トリック・オア・トリートに行きます。
(Today is Halloween. Reina is going trick-or-treating with Shiori.)
Here is the question.
Q). 詩織はどんな仮装をしましたか?
(What kind of costume did Shiori wear?)
-Useful English
makeup 化粧 メイクアップ
Let me see. わたしに見せて。
costume コスチューム 衣装
zip up ファスナー 〔チャック、ジッパー〕 を閉める
pumpkin (皮がだいだい色の) 西洋カボチャ
neighborhood 近所、 自宅周辺
-Second Listen
Now listen to the story again. Then, try to answer the question in English.
Q). What does Shiori’s candy bag look like?
Can you help me zip up my costume?
Gus, can you help me find my hat? I’ve looked everywhere.
Um… Michael.
Um… Your hat is on your head.
Ah, there it is. What would I do without you guys?
Ha, ha, ha.
Okay, see you tomorrow.