基礎英語2 24/11/22(金)W3-D5感謝祭の準備

基礎英語2 24/11/22(金)W3-D5感謝祭の準備
Hello, everyone.  I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.

November  Week3 -感謝祭の準備 Day5
-This week’s review. This week’s stories.
Listen to the stories from this week, then answer each question in English.
Q). Who didn’t practice during Thanksgiving week at all?

-Speaking Out
腕試しのコーナーです。 今週学んだ英文を参考にして、英語で言ってみましょう。
1 課題に取り組んでいるにもかかわらず、 友人がジョークを言って笑わせようとします。そこで友人に言いましょう。 「わたしを笑わせないで。」
2 アメリカの文化について勉強しているあなた。 アメリカ出身のマイケルにたずねましょう。「サンクスギビングは、アメリカでもっとも人気のある祝日のひとつですか?」
3 料理を手伝ってくれているアニャに言いましょう。 「(丸ごと) ゆでたじゃがいもを切ってボウルに入れてください。」
4 宿題をいっしょにやろうと言うマイケルに言いましょう。 「できるだけ早く宿題を終わらせよう。」
(1 You are working on an assignment and a friend tries to make you laugh by telling a joke.
You say to your friend, “Don’t make me laugh. Don’t make me laugh.
2 You are studying American culture. You are studying American culture.
Is Thanksgiving one of the most popular holidays in America?
3 You are helping Anja with the cooking. Cut up the (whole) boiled potatoes and put them in a bowl.
Put them in a bowl.
4 Tell Michael you want to do your homework with him. Finish your homework as soon as possible.
Finish your homework as soon as possible.)

Good job.
-Friday Special
From Anya’s Playlist♪
So Anya, what do you hav for us today?
Today’s song is Riptide by Vance Joy.

I was scared of dentists and the dark
I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations
Oh, all my friends are turning green
You’re the magician’s assistant in their dream

Vance Joy is a singer songwriter from Australia. Like the song’s title, Riptide, which means 強い引き波.
The song is about being swept away with love for someone. I think it’s creative and catchy.
Ah, I remember when this song came out, a lot of good memories. I really love the way Vance Joy writes his lyrics. Amazing!
Me too. Listeners, I hope you guys enjoy the song too.
Thank you for joining us this week.
See you next time.

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