基礎英語2 24/12/13(金)W2-D5 ホントにごめんね
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.
December Week1 -ミゲルの悩み Day 5
-This week’s review. This week’s stories.
Listen to the stories from this week. Then, try to answer the question in English.
Q). Who does Amy think is cool?
Hi, Reina. Do you have a minute? Hey, don’t ignore me!
I think you’re a cool person, Reina. Sometimes I brag about myself because I want people to think I’m cool.
I have to go. Talk to you later, Reina! And see you at the jam session!
Join us at the Fifth Gingerbread House Decorating Contest!
-This Week’s Targets.
Day 1
I’m too busy to play online games.
Day 2
I always see you play baseball with your classmates.
Day 3
She got him to give her directions.
Day 4
That’s four times as many as the previous year.
-Speaking Out. 腕試しのコーナーです。 今週学んだ英文を参考にして、英語で言ってみましょう。
1 アニャにぐちをこぼしましょう。 「忙しすぎて、 ギターを弾けないです。」
That’s too bad.
2 マイケルを呼び止めて、 言いましょう。 「すみません、 これは、 あなたのタオルですか?わたしは、あなたがあそこで落とすのを見ました。」
Oh. Yes, it is. Thank you.
3 マイケルがあなたに 「どうやって宿題を終わらせたの?」と聞くので、答えましょう。
4 マイケルに不満を聞いてもらいましょう。 「弟は、 わたしの3倍の数のクッキーを食べました。」
(1 Let’s complain to Anja. “I’m too busy to play the guitar.”
2 Stop Michael and say. “Excuse me, is this your towel? I saw you drop it over there.”
3 Michael will ask you, “How did you get your homework done?”
I had my sister help me with my homework.”
4 Ask Michael to listen to your complaint. “My brother ate three times as many cookies as I did.)
Wow, really?)
Great job!