基礎英語2 25/1/9(木) with 前置詞
The preposition “with” has various meanings depending on the context. Below are its key meanings with example sentences:
1. Together with / Accompanied by 〜と一緒に/伴って Meaning: Indicates being in the company of someone or something.
Example Sentences:
I went to the movies with my friends.
(I was accompanied by my friends.)
She lives with her parents.
(She shares a residence with her parents.)
2. Using / By means of を使って/~によって
Meaning: Denotes the instrument or means used to do something.
Example Sentences:
He wrote the letter with a pen.
(The pen was the instrument he used to write.)
She fixed the table with a screwdriver.
(The screwdriver was the tool she used.)
3. Having / Possessing 持つ/所有する
Meaning: Refers to someone or something possessing a specific feature or quality.
Example Sentences:
The boy with blue eyes smiled at me.
(The boy who has blue eyes.)
A car with tinted windows is parked outside.
(A car that has tinted windows.)
4. In relation to / Regarding に関連して/に関して
Meaning: Refers to a connection or association with something.
Example Sentences:
I need to discuss something with you.
(I need to talk to you about something.)
She’s satisfied with the results.
(She is happy regarding the results.)
5. In the manner of / Accompanying の要領で/伴って
Meaning: Describes the way something is done or the accompanying state.
Example Sentences:
He greeted us with a smile.
(He smiled while greeting us.)
The soup was served with bread.
(The soup came accompanied by bread.)
6. Due to / Because of 〜のために/のために
Meaning: Indicates the cause or reason.
Example Sentences:
With all this noise, I can’t concentrate.
(The noise is preventing concentration.)
She’s struggling with a cold.
(Her cold is causing her difficulty.)
7. In support of / On the side of -, を支持する/の側で
Meaning: Shows allegiance or agreement.
Example Sentences:
I’m with you on this decision.
(I support your decision.)
Who’s with me?
(Who agrees with me?)
8. Alongside (Time or Change) 並行して(時間または変化)
Meaning: Denotes accompanying change or progression over time.
Example Sentences:
With time, things will get better.
(As time passes, things will improve.)
The economy grows with innovation.
(The economy grows alongside innovation.)
“With” is a versatile preposition used in many contexts to describe relationships, tools, possession, cause, support, and more. Understanding its meaning depends on the specific sentence or scenario.
preposition /ˌprepəˈzɪʃən/ 前置詞
with /wɪð/, /wɪθ/ ~と一緒に、~を使って、~について、~によって
various /ˈvɛəriəs/ 様々な
meanings /ˈmiːnɪŋz/ 意味(複数形)
depending /dɪˈpɛndɪŋ/ ~に依存して、~に応じて
context /ˈkɒntɛkst/ 文脈、状況
together with /təˈɡɛðər wɪð/ ~と一緒に
accompanied by /əˈkʌmpənid baɪ/ ~を伴って
indicates /ˈɪndɪkeɪts/ 示す、意味する
company /ˈkʌmpəni/ 同伴、会社
instrument /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ 道具、器具
by means of /baɪ miːnz ʌv/ ~を使って、~によって
possessing /pəˈzɛsɪŋ/ 所有している
specific /spəˈsɪfɪk/ 特定の
quality /ˈkwɒlɪti/ 質、特性
relation to /rɪˈleɪʃən tə/ ~との関係
regarding /rɪˈɡɑːrdɪŋ/ ~に関して
accompanying /əˈkʌmpəniɪŋ/ 付随する
state /steɪt/ 状態
due to /djuː tə/ ~が原因で、~のために
cause /kɔːz/ 原因
reason /ˈriːzən/ 理由
allegiance /əˈliːdʒəns/ 忠誠
agreement /əˈɡriːmənt/ 合意
alongside /əˈlɒŋˌsaɪd/ ~と並んで
progression /prəˈɡrɛʃən/ 進行、発展
over time /ˈəʊvər taɪm/ 時間とともに
versatile /ˈvɜːrsətl/ 多用途の、万能の
describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ 説明する、描写する
relationships /ˌrɪleɪʃənˈʃɪps/ 関係(複数形)
tools /tuːlz/ 道具(複数形)
possession /pəˈzɛʃən/ 所有
cause /kɔːz/ 原因
support /səˈpɔːrt/ 支持
scenario /səˈnɑːrioʊ/ 状況、場面