ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/30(水)関連記事、袴田巌さん 無罪確定

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/30(水)予習の関連記事、袴田巌さん 無罪確定

Former death-row inmate Hakamada receives apology from prefectural police chief | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
The head of the prefectural police department responsible for investigating former death-row inmate Hakamada Iwao has ap...

Former death-row inmate Hakamada receives apology from prefectural police chief
Monday, Oct. 21, 14:28

The head of the prefectural police department responsible for investigating former death-row inmate Hakamada Iwao has apologized to the 88-year-old in person on behalf of the police.
The apology comes after Hakamada’s acquittal in the retrial of a 1966 murder case was finalized earlier this month.
Tsuda Takayoshi, the chief of the Shizuoka prefectural police, visited Hakamada’s home in the prefecture’s Hamamatsu City on Monday.
Tsuda apologized, saying he could not express in words the distress and burden that Hakamada experienced for the 58 long years from his arrest to his acquittal.
He said the Shizuoka prefectural police would make every effort to carry out more accurate and appropriate investigations.
Hakamada’s elder sister Hideko, who was present during the apology, said that as the incident occurred so long ago, she has no intention of complaining to the police at this point.
Hakamada was sitting on a sofa when he received the apology. Hideko said he appeared nervous.
Hakamada was sentenced to death on charges of killing a family of four in the prefecture. He continued to maintain his innocence after his death sentence was finalized in 1980.
In the retrial, the Shizuoka District Court gave a not-guilty ruling on September 26.
The Supreme Public Prosecutors Office announced its decision not to appeal on October 8, and the Shizuoka District Public Prosecutors Office waived its right to appeal Hakamada’s acquittal the next day.

former ˈfɔːrmər 元、前任
death-row inmate ˈdɛθ roʊ ˈɪnmeɪt 死刑囚
apology əˈpɑlədʒi 謝罪
prefectural police ˈpriːfɛkʧərəl pəˈlis 県警
chief tʃiːf 長官、主任
acquittal əˈkwɪtəl 無罪判決
retrial riˈtraɪəl 再審
murder case ˈmɜːrdər keɪs 殺人事件
finalized ˈfaɪnəlaɪzd 確定した
distress dɪˈstrɛs 苦痛、苦悩
burden ˈbɜːrdən 負担
Shizuoka prefecture ʃɪˈzuːˌoʊkə ˈpriːfɛkʧər 静岡県
effort ˈɛfərt 努力
appropriate investigations əˈproʊpriət ɪnˌvɛstəˈɡeɪʃənz 適切な捜査
elder sister ˈɛldər ˈsɪstər 姉
intention ɪnˈtɛnʧən 意図、意思
sentence to death ˈsɛntəns tuː dɛθ 死刑判決を下す
innocence ˈɪnəsəns 無罪、無実
not-guilty ruling ˌnɒt ˈɡɪlti ˈruːlɪŋ 無罪判決
Supreme Public Prosecutors səˈprim ˈpʌblɪk ˈprɒsɪˌkjʊərz 最高検察庁
announce əˈnaʊns 発表する
waive weɪv 放棄する
right to appeal raɪt tu əˈpil 控訴権



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