ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/27(金)関連記事-ブラジル版の“紅白歌合戦”
Japanese Brazilians stage annual Japanese singing contest in Sao Paulo
Monday, Dec. 9, 17:10
12月9日(月) 17:10
An annual event inspired by NHK’s year-end music festival was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Sunday. Brazilians with Japanese ancestry took the stage to show their skills at singing Japanese songs.
It was the 26th time the contest has taken place. The event is aimed at passing Japanese songs and culture on to younger generations.
Brazil has the world’s largest community of Japanese descendants outside of Japan.
This year, 64 contestants whose ages ranged from five to over 80 took part. Most had won local karaoke contests.
Many wore elaborate costumes and sang pop songs in the Japanese “enka” genre.
A 12-year-old contestant, Morita Yuji, sang a hit song by “enka” singer Kitajima Saburo.
Morita said he likes singing Japanese songs because of how they make him feel. He said he dreams of becoming a professional singer and going to Japan to sing with Kitajima.
One of the event’s organizers, Ebihara Tadao, said the number of young Japanese Brazilians who try to learn Japanese is falling. He said he wants to continue holding the event because people can learn Japan’s language and culture by enjoying songs.
Japanese Brazilians /ˌʤæp.əˈniːz brəˈzɪl.jənz/ 日系ブラジル人
stage /steɪʤ/ 開催する、上演する
annual Japanese singing contest /ˈæn.ju.əl ˌʤæp.əˈniːz ˈsɪŋ.ɪŋ ˈkɒn.tɛst/ 年次日本歌唱コンテスト
Sao Paulo /ˌsaʊ ˈpaʊ.loʊ/ サンパウロ
inspired by /ɪnˈspaɪərd baɪ/ ~に触発された
year-end music festival /ˌjɪər ˈɛnd ˈmjuː.zɪk ˈfɛst.ɪ.vəl/ 年末音楽祭
Brazilians with Japanese ancestry /brəˈzɪl.jənz wɪð ˌʤæp.əˈniːz ˈæn.sɛs.tri/ 日本の祖先を持つブラジル人
took the stage /tʊk ðə steɪʤ/ 舞台に立った
show their skills /ʃoʊ ðɛər skɪlz/ 技術を披露する
the 26th time /ðə ˌtwɛnti ˈsɪksθ taɪm/ 26回目
passing on /ˈpæs.ɪŋ ɒn/ 伝える
Japanese descendants /ˌʤæp.əˈniːz dɪˈsɛn.dənts/ 日本の子孫
outside of Japan /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd əv ʤəˈpæn/ 日本国外で
contestants /kənˈtɛs.tənts/ 出場者
elaborate costumes /ɪˈlæb.ər.ət ˈkɒs.tjuːmz/ 凝った衣装
“enka” genre /ˈɛŋ.kə ˈʒɑːn.rə/ 演歌ジャンル
Kitajima Saburo /ˌkɪ.taˈʤiː.mə ˈsæb.ə.roʊ/ 北島三郎
dreams of becoming /driːmz əv bɪˈkʌm.ɪŋ/ ~になる夢を持つ
professional singer /prəˈfɛʃ.ən.əl ˈsɪŋ.ər/ プロの歌手
learn Japanese /lɜrn ˌʤæp.əˈniːz/ 日本語を学ぶ
enjoy songs /ɪnˈʤɔɪ sɒŋz/ 歌を楽しむ