ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/3(火)関連記事-東京・目黒川沿いでパン食い競争

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/3(火)関連記事-東京・目黒川沿いでパン食い競争
Crowd gathers for ‘bread-eating race’ along Tokyo’s Meguro River

Saturday, Nov. 16, 19:20

Hundreds of contestants have gathered beside a Tokyo river to compete in an event called a “bread-eating race.”
The contest held on Saturday along the Meguro River in Meguro Ward required participants to seize bread suspended from a pole using only their mouths. About 400 people including children took part.
One of the races involved groups of four contestants sprinting toward buns filled with sweet red beans, hung 15 meters away.
They tried to grab the buns with their mouths amid cheers from spectators.
A woman who took part with her son said the bread tasted delicious after the run. She said she walks along the river and was delighted to participate.
One of the organizers, Kashiwai Eiichi, said he was glad to see so many people joining in.
The Meguro River is famous for its hundreds of cherry trees which bloom in spring. Kashiwai said he hopes to attract visitors in other seasons as well, through various events.

contestants /kənˈtɛstənts/ 競技者、参加者
gathered /ˈɡæðərd/ 集まった
beside /bɪˈsaɪd/ ~のそばに、~の隣に
compete /kəmˈpiːt/ 競争する、競い合う
bread-eating race /brɛd-ˈiːtɪŋ reɪs/ パン食い競争
contest /ˈkɒntɛst/ コンテスト、競技
required /rɪˈkwaɪəd/ 必要とされた、求められた
participants /pɑːˈtɪsɪpənts/ 参加者
seize /siːz/ つかむ、捕まえる
suspended /səsˈpɛndɪd/ 吊るされた、吊り下げられた
buns /bʌnz/ パン、丸いパン
sprinting /ˈsprɪntɪŋ/ 全速力で走る、スプリントする
sweet red beans /swiːt rɛd biːnz/ 甘い小豆、甘い赤い豆
amid /əˈmɪd/ ~の中で、~の間に(囲まれて)
cheers /ʧɪəz/ 応援、歓声
spectators /ˈspɛkteɪtəz/ 観客、見物人
delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ 喜んだ、うれしい
attract /əˈtrækt/ 引き寄せる、魅了する
visitors /ˈvɪzɪtəz/ 訪問者、来訪者
various events /ˈveəriəs ɪˈvɛnts/ 様々なイベント
Meguro River /ˈmɛɡʊrəʊ ˈrɪvə/ 目黒川(東京の川)
Meguro Ward /ˈmɛɡʊrəʊ wɔːd/ 目黒区(東京の区)
Kashiwai Eiichi /ˈkæʃɪwaɪ ˈeɪɪtʃi/ 柏井英一(組織者の名前)

11月16日(土) 19:20

何百人もの参加者が東京の川沿いに集まり、「パン食い競争 」と呼ばれるイベントで競い合った。

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