ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/12(木)関連記事1-中国 日本人の短期ビザ免除措置を再開

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/12(木)関連記事1-中国 日本人の短期ビザ免除措置を再開
China resumes visa-exemptions for short-term Japanese travelers
Saturday, Nov. 30, 19:53
The Chinese government has reinstated visa-free visits by Japanese nationals on short-term trips.
11月30日(土) 19:53

Japanese people landing at a Shanghai airport on Saturday said they welcomed the return of visa-free entry, which took effect on the day.
China had previously allowed visa-free visits for up to 15 days, before suspending the policy in March 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Beijing says it has doubled the eligible length of stay to 30 days for the convenience of travelers, and that the measure will remain in effect until the end of 2025.
A 56-year-old Japanese national said he travels to China roughly every other month, and the resumption of the visa-exemption policy makes things easier. He said he hopes Japan can build good relations with China.
It remains unclear how much the measure will help raise the number of Japanese visitors to China. The country has been enforcing an anti-espionage law, and fatal incidents have occurred at places where people gather, and some Japanese nationals have been attacked.

visa-exemptions /ˈviːzə ɪɡˈzɛmpʃənz/ ビザ免除
short-term travelers /ʃɔːrt tɜːrm ˈtrævələrz/ 短期旅行者
reinstated /ˌriːɪnˈsteɪtɪd/ 復活させた
visa-free visits /ˈviːzə friː ˈvɪzɪts/ ビザ不要の訪問
welcomed the return /ˈwɛlkəmd ðə rɪˈtɜːrn/ 再開を歓迎した
took effect /tʊk ɪˈfɛkt/ 発効した
amid /əˈmɪd/ ~の中で
coronavirus pandemic /kəˈroʊnəˌvaɪrəs pænˈdɛmɪk/ 新型コロナウイルスのパンデミック
eligible length of stay /ˈɛlɪdʒəbl leŋkθ əv steɪ/ 滞在可能期間
convenience of travelers /kənˈviːniəns əv ˈtrævələrz/ 旅行者の便宜
resumption /rɪˈzʌmpʃən/ 再開
visa-exemption policy /ˈviːzə ɪɡˈzɛmpʃən ˈpɒlɪsi/ ビザ免除政策
build good relations /bɪld ɡʊd rɪˈleɪʃənz/ 良好な関係を築く
anti-espionage law /ˌænti ˈɛspɪənɑːʒ lɔː/ 反スパイ法
fatal incidents /ˈfeɪtl ˈɪnsɪdənts/ 致命的な事件
places where people gather /ˈpleɪsɪz wɛər ˈpiːpl ˈɡæðər/ 人々が集まる場所
attacked /əˈtækt/ 攻撃された


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