ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/10(火)関連記事1-医薬品の約2割で供給に支障

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/10(火)関連記事1-医薬品の約2割で供給に支障
調査: 日本では医療用医薬品の約2割が出荷制限または停止
Survey: Shipments of about 20% of prescription drugs limited or halted in Japan
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 21:54
A Japanese pharmaceutical industry group says shipments of about 20 percent of prescription drugs were limited or halted in October, while pharmacies and medical institutions continue to be running short of drug supplies.
11月20日(水) 21:54

The Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association of Japan made the finding in a survey.
The federation says that out of more than 16,000 items subject to the survey, 3,103 items, or 18.5 percent, were under shipment adjustments or suspensions as of the end of October. Shipments were limited for 10.7 percent of the products, while 7.8 percent were halted.
Of all the items, 1,954 items, or 63 percent, were generic drugs, including antitussives, antipyretics, analgesics, and expectorant medicines.
The percentage of prescription drugs with limited or halted shipments rose to 26.6 percent in February. Though the figure is gradually on the decline, it still stands close to 20 percent.
Supplies of many prescription drugs have been disrupted for more than three years due to problematic production processes involving generic drug makers and the rising demand resulting from the spread of infectious diseases.
Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said many generic drug makers produce a large number of items, but only small portions for individual items, making it difficult for them to catch up with a surge in demand.
Ministry officials said they will urge drug makers to ship their inventories and increase production in anticipation of growing demand as winter approaches and colds and other infectious diseases spread.
The officials also said they intend to make efforts to solve structural problems involving generic drug makers, such as their inefficient production systems.

survey /ˈsɜːrveɪ/ 調査
shipments /ˈʃɪpməntz/ 出荷、配送
prescription drugs /prɪˈskrɪpʃən drʌɡz/ 処方薬
limited /ˈlɪmɪtɪd/ 制限された
halted /ˈhɔːltɪd/ 停止された
pharmacies /ˈfɑːməsiːz/ 薬局
medical institutions /ˈmɛdɪkəl ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃənz/ 医療機関
Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association of Japan /ˌfedəˈreɪʃən əv ˌfɑːrməˈsuːtɪkəl ˌmænjəˈfæktʃərərz əv dʒəˈpæn/ 日本製薬団体連合会
finding /ˈfaɪndɪŋ/ 調査結果
under shipment adjustments or suspensions /ˈʌndər ˈʃɪpmənt əˈdʒʌstmənts ɔːr səˈspɛnʃənz/ 出荷調整または停止中
generic drugs /dʒəˈnɛrɪk drʌɡz/ ジェネリック薬品
antitussives /ˌæntɪˈtʌsɪvz/ 鎮咳薬
antipyretics /ˌæntɪˈpaɪrɛtɪks/ 解熱剤
analgesics /ˌænəlˈdʒiːzɪks/ 鎮痛剤
expectorant /ɪksˈpɛktərənt/ 去痰薬
structural problems /ˈstrʌktʃərəl ˈprɒbləmz/ 構造的な問題
surge /sɜːrdʒ/ 急増、急激な増加
inefficient /ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃənt/ 非効率的な
anticipation /ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃən/ 予期、期待
increase production /ɪnˈkriːs prəˈdʌkʃən/ 生産を増加させる
inventories /ˈɪnvənˌtɔːriz/ 在庫
Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry /hɛlθ ˈleɪbər ənd ˈwɛlfɛr ˈmɪnɪstri/ 厚生労働省
structural problems involving generic drug makers /ˈstrʌktʃərəl ˈprɒbləmz ɪnˈvɒlvɪŋ dʒəˈnɛrɪk drʌɡ ˈmeɪkərz/ ジェネリック製薬会社に関わる構造的な問題


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