ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/1/22(月) 関連記事-羽田空港事故 脱出までの18分間

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/1/22(月) 関連記事-羽田空港事故 脱出までの18分間
Expert panel in Japan launches debate on airport runway safety
Friday, Jan. 19, 22:06
A panel of experts appointed by Japan’s transport ministry has started debate on airport runway safety, following a deadly collision at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport.

Transport minister Saito Tetsuo told Friday’s first meeting of the panel that he wants the experts to study safety measures covering both hardware and software.
In the accident on January 2, a Japan Airlines passenger jet collided with a coast guard aircraft on a Haneda Airport runway shortly after landing. Both aircraft burst into flames.
All 379 people aboard the JAL plane managed to evacuate. Five people on the coast guard aircraft died, while the sixth crew member was seriously injured.
Nine panel members attended Friday’s meeting held behind closed doors, including a former pilot and experts on human error.
The ministry says they were divided over a proposal to digitalize air traffic control to reduce human error.
Some experts said flight control is handled globally through visual monitoring and oral communication, and that relying on digital technology to handle it is probably still years away.
Others said technology should be treated as something that supplements human judgment.
Ministry officials say some experts called for an analysis of traffic control operations at busy airports like Haneda, where workloads are expected to increase further.
The panel is set to discuss how to strengthen alert systems for pilots and air traffic controllers, and whether it is necessary to review how they communicate. It is due to issue an interim report by around the summer.

1月2日の事故では、日本航空の旅客機が着陸直後、羽田空港の滑走路で海上保安庁の航空機と衝突した。 両機とも炎上した。
日航機に乗っていた379人全員が避難することができた。 沿岸警備隊機の乗員5人が死亡、乗組員6人が重傷を負った。
パネルでは、パイロットや管制官の警戒体制を強化する方法や、連絡方法の見直しが必要かどうかなどを議論する予定だ。 夏ごろまでに中間報告を出す予定だ。)


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