ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/1/26(金)“働き旅”で人手不足解消へ

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/1/26(金)-関連記事-“働き旅”で人手不足解消へ

Japanese inn turns to tourists to ease labor shortage

Friday, Dec. 29, 21:50
The holiday travel rush in Japan is worsening labor shortages around the country, especially in the tourism industry. But one inn has come up with a unique system to ease the effects of the problem.
Popular sightseeing spots around Tokyo are now packed with tourists.
A Japanese traveler said, “It’s my first trip in a while. Things seem to be returning to life.”
A tourist from France said, “The food is very good. People are so kind. Sad to stay only two weeks.”
But the effects of the labor shortage can be seen all around.
A rickshaw tour business in Asakusa lost nearly half of its drivers during the coronavirus pandemic. Some have returned, but the staff is still about 20 percent smaller than its pre-pandemic size.
Tourism has come back in full force and the company does not have the manpower to meet demand. It has no choice but to turn some customers away.
A company official said, “Firms in different industries are competing for staff. We are having a really difficult time hiring people.”
But an inn in Shizuoka Prefecture is turning to an unlikely source of manpower: the guests themselves.
The inn has organized a “work while travel” system that pays visitors for tasks such as cleaning and serving meals. The program also includes accommodation, food and access to the onsite hot spring during non-working hours.
A Japanese tourist said, “This is the busiest time of year for hotels, so it’s natural there’s a staff shortage. I thought it would be nice to help out during this period.”
A staff member at the inn said, “It’s a big help if the visitors join the staff. It allows the employees to have a day or two off. Having some help allows us to provide better hospitality to our visitors.”

日本では休暇中の旅行ラッシュにより、日本全国、特に観光業界での人手不足が深刻化している。 しかし、ある旅館はこの問題の影響を緩和するための独自のシステムを考案した。
浅草の人力車ツアー事業は、新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックで運転手の半数近くを失った。 戻ってきた人もいるが、スタッフは依然としてパンデミック前の規模より約20パーセント少ない。
観光業は本格的に戻ってきているが、同社には需要を満たす人員が足りない。 一部の顧客を遠ざけるしかありません。
旅館では、清掃や食事の配膳などの仕事に対して報酬を支払う「旅しながら働く」制度を導入している。 このプログラムには、宿泊、食事、勤務時間外の敷地内の温泉へのアクセスも含まれます。


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