ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/5/27(月)クリスティさんのトーク:舞台「千と千尋の神隠し」 イギリス公演開幕

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/5/27(月)クリスティさんのトーク:舞台「千と千尋の神隠し」 イギリス公演開幕
Today let’s take a look at a Japanese masterpiece films coming life on the stage.

When I think of spirit it is the non-physical part of what makes me a person. Whether you call it a spirit soul or self, it is what makes me me.
(私がスピリットについて考えるとき、それは私を人たらしめている非物理的な部分である。 それを霊魂と呼ぼうが、自己と呼ぼうが、私を私たらしめているものだ。)

non-physical 物質ではない部分

(Some titles of movies, plays, and songs cleverly incorporate their themes and stories to make a deep impression. Try to look at them with an eye to see if there is some hidden meaning, or what kind of scene they evoke.)

Today’s lesson was great. Even as a child in America, I loved watching Ghibli films, especially “Kiki’s delivery service” thinking about the deeper meanings of movie titles is always interesting as well.

Kickers delivery service 魔女の宅急便

Keep up the good work.
See you next time.


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