ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/6/25(火)関連記事-合計特殊出生率 1.20で過去最低

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/6/25(火)関連記事-合計特殊出生率 1.20で過去最低

Japan’s total fertility rate hit record low in 2023 as parents and experts blame work culture
日本の合計特殊出生率、2023年に過去最低に 親や専門家は労働文化を非難

Thursday June 6, 2024
Japan’s total fertility rate last year dropped to the lowest since records began in 1947. Many people attribute the decline to the country’s inflexible work culture.
2024年6月6日 木曜日

Preliminary demographic statistics for 2023 released by the Health Ministry on Wednesday show the total fertility rate ― the number of children that each woman is expected to give birth to in her life ― declined 0.06 points from the previous year to 1.20. It was also the eighth straight year-on-year fall.

The rate dropped in all prefectures. Tokyo posted the lowest of 0.99. Next was Hokkaido at 1.06, then Miyagi with 1.07. Okinawa had the highest rate of 1.60, followed by Miyazaki and Nagasaki at 1.49 and Kagoshima with 1.48.

A rate of 2.07 is considered necessary to maintain a stable population.

Japan’s total fertility rate has dropped to the lowest since records began in 1947.
The number of Japanese babies born last year was also an all-time low. It fell 43,482 from a year earlier to 727,277, the fewest since records began in 1899.

Ministry officials said the declining birth rate is in a critical situation. They pointed out that the last opportunity to reverse the trend is the period up to 2030, as the young population is expected to drop sharply after that.



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