ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/6/4(火)-関連記事-離婚後の“共同親権”導入

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/6/4(火)-関連記事-離婚後の“共同親権”導入

Japan’s Diet enacts bill allowing joint custody after divorce
Friday, May 17, 16:53
5月17日(金) 16:53

Japan’s Diet has enacted a bill into law that paves the way for divorced parents to share custody of their children. The current system allows only either of the couple to exercise parental rights.

The bill to revise the Civil Code and other laws was approved by the Upper House on Friday. It won support from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, the opposition Constitutional Democratic Party and others.

Under the legislation, parents will discuss whether to seek joint or sole custody of their children after divorce. If they fail to agree, a family court will decide.

If the court recognizes domestic violence or child abuse has taken place, sole custody will be granted.

A supplementary clause to the bill calls for further studies on ways to confirm that a decision to seek joint custody is based on the true intentions of the divorcing parents.

During debate before the vote, Yamazoe Taku of the Japanese Communist Party said the biggest problem with the bill is that a court can force joint custody even if there is no agreement between the parents. He referred to concerns over the issue, even among lawmakers from the ruling bloc, and said the bill should not be railroaded without national consensus.

The Constitutional Democratic Party’s Makiyama Hiroe voted for the legislation, but still pointed out flaws within it and in the way debate was carried out. She said lawmakers must remain engaged in the issue, with flexibility and a resolve to make improvements for the sake of the affected children.

The government plans to launch a liaison meeting of relevant ministries and agencies to study the details of the new system. The legal revisions are to take effect by 2026.


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